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  • Date :
  • 7/5/2009

Palestinian Prisoners  (part2)

palestinian prisoners

Of all the prisons run by Israel, Facility 1391 is by far the worst and is known by Palestinians (and Israeli human rights groups as) ‘the Israeli Guantanamo’ but it is in fact worse, since it served as the blueprint on which Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and Bagram prisons are based.

It is also imperative to note that these are roughly only 200 names, when in fact there are over 11,000 in Israeli prisons.

 Unfortunately, there is no transparency, and the names of these prisoners remain elusive due to the nature of their imprisonment. No human rights organizations or governmental organizations have access to all of the names and identities of these Palestinians. Although they may be erased from our regular world, we will not forget their existence or let them fall through the pages of history.

It should also be noted that of those Palestinians detained, only a minor proportion have actually committed acts of ‘terrorism’ (as defined by Israeli law) or orchestrated attacks against the Israeli civilian and military infrastructure of occupation.

Israeli Prisoners Names

One soldier, captured during combat role by Hamas

Mainstream media coverage: 180 hrs + and over 200 news articles since June 2006

Name: Gilad Noam Shalit

Palestinian Prisoners

10,000 men, 1500 women, 500 children under the age of 12

Mainstream media coverage, including Israeli, Arabic, Palestinian, and Western news stations: 0.00 minutes, 0 news articles

Names (a mere fraction of them)
Abdullah Hussein Abdullah Odeh Mu'in Mustafa Musa Feshafesha Saleh 'Amer Swey'ad S'aida Tamer Badr Qubtan Abu 'Arqoub Osama Muhammad Suleyman Sabateen
Samah Abdullah Muhammad Bassam Tawfiq Walway Amin Abd Muhammad 'Arbash Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad 'Oud Najeh Yusuf Muhammad 'Amru
Muhammad Ouni Muhammad Daadou Muhammad Amin Ahmad Yunus George Ghabi Yusuf Bihnan Tawfiq Abd al-Qader Talib Omar Mu'mmar Muhammad Khalil Ta'amra
Amin As'ad Mustafa Salim Nadel Khalil Ahmad 'Aalouna Ghassan Nu'man Mahmoud Taha Ziyad Hassan Abd al-Jalil Kahla Ouda Ismail Muhammad Za'anouna
Mahmoud Shukri Abd al-Karim Hamshari Adam Ghazzan Ahmad Harami Jibr 'Ouda Ali Mukhamra Ayman Yaser Khalil 'Amru 'Asem Mahmoud Abd al-Rahim Salama
Ali Kamal Hussein Abu Salim Khadeer Ali Muhammad Bisharat Nitham Mustafa Sawafta Imad 'Ezat Muhammad Awlad Muhammad Amna Mouna
Muhammad Saleem Shaheen Mahmoud Radwan Mahmoud Musleh Samer Mahmoud Karim Haimouni Mustafa Sawafta Bedran Abd al-Qader Ibrahim Badir
Azzam Yusuf Mahmoud Yasin Samed Muhammd Hassan Asleem Ibrahim Muhammad Khalil Dababsa Muhammad Zuhdi Abd al-Rahman Mahfoudh Ahmad Hassan Ahmad Shaqura
Roulan Tawfiq Abdullah Dighlis Ehad Mansur Ibrahim Khleelya Khalil Suleyman Khalil Jrouf Muhammad Ahmad Abd Quttamsh Amin Sarhi Salama Abu Mandil
Nahed Taysir Tawfiq Abu Diyak Muhammad Saleh Suleyman Mardawi Ashraf Hussein Mahmoud Abu Ghlass Amru Hassan Muhammad 'Amru

Hussam Suleyman Mustafa 'Arouq


palestinian prisoners

Other links:

Short History of Palestine

What is the Intifada ?

Al - Aqsa Intifada

Palestine in the eyes of its children

Movie: Israel destroying Mosques in Gaza

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