Poetry on the blessed birth of Imam Ali (A.S)
Heavenly purity bends to earth
To bless in the Kaba the blisful birth,
Mourn the idols their fatal day;
In this birth Islam pre-attains a full sway.
Idols to their worshippers are unkind.
Awakes to grief the stubborn pagan mind,
Wherever the name of Ali is laid
Remains protected in shade the shade,
Battlefields aspire the fight,
To gaze the victor with fix’d delight,
No warrior's garments torn, no bodies stripped bare,
Ali though a victor but of his victims takes care,
Never shall he leave a battle ground
Till notes of triumph burst round.
The rising dust shall proclaim Islam restored
Shall felicitate ‘Zulfikhar’ each and every sword,
In the pictured glories of Ali
Nothing but trust in gold we see,
The breezy lawn, or garden or forest deep;
In love and trust Ali’s name all alike keep.
O' youths of the clear unsullied sight,
The virtues of Ali to you individually invite,
O' Ali! Your love is without range
Life’s prospects at your love change.
If one gazes in his soul’s mirror true,
By turns your shifting image can view,
O' Heaven! Whatever of greatness you boast
None equals because Ali is your host,
You among the fairest Flower of the Quraish’ stem
Islam’s shield, and Islam’s gem,
Indeed the Prophet is better than us and too wise–
Ghadeer is enough; no need of Saqifa’s seditious despise,
The power of your love bids my soul aspire
Far from my bosom dries up the desire;
Ali is the spring; all the springs spring from it;
His Birthplace is the Kaba, the cardinal unit.
By Dr. Hassan Najafi
Source: .irib.ir
Other links:
Ali’s Virtues before His Birth
Ali’s Virtues at Creation and Birth