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Morality of Imam Hussein (A.S)

part 1


Imam Hussein (A.S) is reported as saying:

I am sure that Allah’s Messenger believed that the best deed after prayer was to make a believer happy provided there is no sin involved.

The Most Generous Man!

A Bedouin arrived in Medina asking for the most generous man living there. They guided him to Imam Hussein. The Bedouin entered the mosque and found Imam Hussein praying. He stood in front of the Imam, reciting a poem with the following content, “Whoever knocks at the door of your house will not be desperate. You are the paragon of generosity. You are a haven. Your father put the unbelieving rebels to death. Were it not for your sake, our life would be a hell.”‌ Imam Hussein saluted the Bedouin, saying to Qanbar, “Is there any of Hijaz holdings left?”‌ He said, “Yes, about four thousand Dinars.”‌ The Imam said, “Bring it here, for he is more deserving of it than us.”‌ Then, he took his cloak off his shoulders, wrapped the money in it and gave it to him, reciting a poem with the following content, “Take this holding from me and accept my apology. Know that I would like to be kind to you. If the reins of the rule were in our hands you would be showered with generosity; but the vicissitudes displace the affairs and presently we can give away only a little.”‌ The Arab took the holding from the Imam while his eyes were full of tears. The Imam said, “What I have given to you is a little.”‌ The Arab answered, “The reason I am crying is that I wonder how the earth will eat this giving hand.”‌


What A Sorrow!

Imam Hussein (A.S) went to visit Usamah ibn Zayd who had fallen sick. Usamah kept on saying, “What a sorrow!”‌ The Imam asked, “Dear brother! What is sorrow for?”‌ He said, “I owe sixty thousand Dirhams.”‌ The Imam said, “I promise to pay it.”‌ He said, “I am afraid that I will die before my debt is paid.”‌ Imam Hussein said, “I will pay it before your death.”‌ He did so.


Helping The Needy

In the events of Karbala, they found a scar on the shoulder of Imam Hussein. When Imam Zayn al-Abidin was asked about it, he said, “This is a sign left of the heavy leather bag replete with what the widows, orphans and the poor needed, which my father carried on his shoulders.”‌


Honoring A Teacher

Abd al-Rahman al-Salami taught Surah al-Fatihah to one of Imam Hussein’s sons. When the child recited before the Imam, he gave the teacher a thousand Dinars as well as gifts. They objected to the Imam’s act, but he said, “What I have given to him cannot make up for what he has done.”‌


Seek My Pleasure

There was an argument between Imam Hussein and his brother, Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah. In a letter to Imam Hussein, Muhammad wrote, “Dear brother! Ali is my and your father. In this relation neither I am superior to you nor are you superior to me. Your mother is the daughter of the Holy Prophet. Should my mother possess all the gold of the world, she cannot be equal to your mother in terms of virtues. When you read the letter, come to me and seek my pleasure, for you are more deserving of good deeds than me. May peace and blessing of Allah be upon you.”‌ After reading the letter, Imam Hussein went to his brother and there was no argument between them any more.



Author: Allama Hussein Ansariyan

Translator: Dr. Ali Akbar Aghili Ashtiani

P. 200-203

Other Links:

Imam Hussein, A Rightly Guided Imam

Qualifications of Ruler in Imam Hussein’s Viewpoint

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