شما هر بازی که خواستید بگید تا من کد تقلبش را براتون بگذارم
برای نمونه چنتا میزارم
Doom 3 - Resurrection Of Evil
Result Code
God mode - god
Spawn indicated item - give [item name]
Full weapons and ammunition - give all
Full ammunition for current weapons - give ammo
Armor to 125 - give armor
Classic 1995 version - give doom95
Health to 100 - give health
All keys - give keys
BFG - give weapon_bfg
Chainsaw - give weapon_chainsaw
Machine gun - give weapon_machinegun
Plasmagun - give weapon_plasmagun
Rocket launcher - give weapon_rocketlauncher
Shotgun - give weapon_shotgun
Use ~ to toggle console - com_allowConsole
Show frame rate - com_showFPS
Show framerate - com_showfps 1
Show total and per frame memory usage - com_showMemoryUsage
show sound decoders - com_showSoundDecoders
Hold last amount of detected video RAM - com_videoRam
Third person - view pm_thirdPerson
Toggle third person view - pm_thirdperson [0 or 1]
Exit game - quit
Set brightness - level r_brightness [number]
Age Of Empires 3
Press [Enter] to display the chat window and type one of following
Result Code
Fatten animals on map - A recent study indicated
that 100% of herdables are obese
10,000 coin - Give me liberty or give me coin
10,000 food - Medium Rare Please
10,000 wood - <censored>
10,000 experience points - Nova & Orion
Disable fog of war - X marks the spot
Win single player mission - this is too hard
"Musketeer'ed!" when killed by Musketeers - Sooo Good
100x gather/build rates - speed always wins
Spawns Mediocre Bombard at Home City gather point - Ya gotta make do with what ya got
Spawn big red monster - truck tuck tuck tuck
"Musketeer'ed!" when killed by Musketeers - Sooo Good
Fatten animals on map - A recent study indicated that 100% of
herdables are obese