the title of this topic tells about its goal and is sufficient for introduce itself.
every word
تنت به ناز طبيبان نيازمند مباد
it is god who cures
مدير انجمن بهداشت و سلامت
کل آیتم ها 5
the word of Tuesday02/03/2010:.........................................................................................Paring: A paring is a thin piece that has been cut off something, especially a fingernail or fruit or vegetableبه فارسی ترجمه شده : تراشه،ناخن بریده شده.موفق باشید.
hi to all!
word of wednesday 03/03/2010
suture:surgical joining of two edges of a wound or incision; stitch used to close a wound; material used to surgically close a wound
فارسی هم ترجمه میشه:درز، بخیه ، شكاف ، چاك ، دوختن
hi thereword of the daymarch 24th 2010Manifestation: the act of appearing or becoming clearExample: Manifestation of the disease often doesn"t occur until middle age.در فارسی: آشكارسازی، ابراز، ظهور، جلوه
hi therethanks for your attention to this topicmarch 25th 2010abrasion: area that has been rubbed or scraped away; act of rubbing or scraping away در فارسی: خراش، سایش، ساییدگی، خراشیدگی