چهارشنبه 28 آذر 1403 - 14 جمادي الثاني 1446 - 18 دسامبر 2024
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فروشگاه اینترنتی
The Benefits of Occultation of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)-part 2
The existence of the Imam is like the sun behind the ...
The Benefits of Occultation of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)-part 1
Engineer Madani: If the Imam is the leader of the people he should be ...
Love and Affection for Imam-e-Zamana (A.S.)-part 4
One who loves Imam (a.t.f.s.) must be prepared to ...
Love and Affection for Imam-e-Zamana A.S-part 3
This is the time when we should sit back and ...
Love and Affection for Imam-e-Zamana (A.S.)-part 2
Download the ...
Benefits from an Occult Imam (part 2)
A similar question was put to Imam ...
Benefits from an Occult Imam (part 1)
Whenever the discussion of occultation crops up, queries ...
The Occultation of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
Certainly, when the Qaem from among us shall arise, he ...
Dying with love for the Master of the Age
One of my friends related to me: Fifty years back, his 18 ...
Signs of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (Part 3)
The written notes of Seyed Ismail Aqili can be a further confirmation in supporting the words of Imam Sadiq (A.S) on change in the direction of Sun’s rotation, , which we explained earlier as backward rotation of the earth. He has written about ...
Signs of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (Part 2)
prolongation of days and years during the time of reappearance of Imam Mahdi does not contradict modern science, and in fact it is supported by modern science. Given the fact that gravity can ...
Signs of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (Part 1)
“The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]. The Day the Caller calls to something forbidding, (the Moon: 1; 6) According to a Hadith, it is believed that the said hour will be when ...
The Jurists of Medina and the Mahdi Traditions
When Muhammad bin Abd Allah revolted one of the jurists of Medina by the name of Muhammad bin Ajlan also rose with him. After he was killed Ja’far bin Sulayman the governor of Medina summoned ...
People Awaited the Appearance of the Mahdi
From all the references to the Mahdi and his appearance in the sources it is obvious that people were awaiting the coming of the Mahdi from the early days of Islam and were actually counting the days for that to happen. They regarded ...
Other Opinions from Ibn Khaldun
Ibn Khaldun concludes this section on the traditions concerning the Mahdi thus: The truth one must know is that no religious or political power’s propaganda can be successful unless ...
The Existence of the Mahdi is certain
There are numerous Prophetic traditions about the Mahdi reported by both the Sunni and the Shi’i sources. Close examination of the contents of these traditions proves that ...
Responding to Some Points Raised By Ibn Khaldun (Part 2)
It is obvious that to pursue an agenda and to follow prejudice is not conducive to objective research. Anyone who intends to do research about a subject and to get to the truth of a matter must ...
Responding to Some Points Raised By Ibn Khaldun (Part 1)
Often a tradition is deemed weak because its transmitter is a Shi’i. For example Ibn Khaldun rejected Qutn bin Khalifa one of the transmitters of the Mahdi traditions because he was ...
Ibn Khaldun and the Traditions about the Mahdi
Dr. Fahimi: The author of the book entitled: Al-Mahdiyya fi al-islam writes: Muhammad bin Isma’il Bukhari and Muslim bin Hajjaj Nishaburi the compilers of the two most authentic books of the Sunni hadith who recorded these traditions meticulously and ...
The Sunni hadith on the Subject of the Mahdi
Dr. Fahimi: Mr. Hoshyar! Our friends know it. But let me tell you that I follow the Sunni school of thought. Hence the positive evaluation that you have of the ...
The Mahdi from among the Descendants of the Prophet
Such hadith-reports are abundant. The main idea that runs through all of them suggests that the topic about the future coming of the Mahdi and Qa’im during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) was well known. In fact ...
The Beginning of the Belief in the Mahdi
Dr. Emami: When did the belief in Mahdi become prevalent in the Islamic environment? Was there any conversation about the Mahdi during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) or was it after ...
Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s): part 4
Miracles are certainly not impossible nor can ...
Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s): part 3
As an example, Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (the eighth Imam) has ...
Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s): part 2
In the discussion on prophecy and the imamate it ...
Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar (a.s): part 1
The promised Mahdi, who is usually mentioned by his ...
Commencement of Imam Mahdis Imamate (Part 5)
My second story was from the lips of an Englishman, Col.Abdullah Baines. During the 2nd World War he was stationed at the Royal Air Force Base at Habbaniyah, a town some 22 miles south of Baghdad. During the height of the ...
Commencement of Imam Mahdi’s Imamate (Part 4)
After this followed a dark period because no safeer was left to directly approach the Imam Mahdi (A.S). It is also related that Imam himself told his last Safeer that there will not be any more appointments of Sofara. When asked what the believers ...
Commencement of Imam Mahdi’s Imamate (Part 3)
To the question of existence, we have seen above the many verses from the Qur’an and Hadith of the Prophet and all the Eleven Imams. We have also read quotations from the Books of ...
Commencement of Imam Mahdi’s Imamate (Part 2)
The Prophet further elaborates, “Beware of doubting, for to doubt the order of God, the Mighty, the Sublime, is apostasy (Kufr). Ibn Khaldun also states that “When imprisoned with his mother in the house, he entered a sort of ...
Commencement of Imam Mahdi’s Imamate (Part 1)
Imam Mahdi (A.S), the last in the line of the Twelve Ithna Ashari Imams was born on 15th Shaban 255 Hijri in Samarra, Iraq. His father was the Eleventh Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) and his mother was Nargis Khatoon, grand daughter ...
Imam Al-Mahdi: The Awaited Hope for Humanity: Part 2
The belief in the Mahdi is not only an essential doctrine deep-rooted in ...
Imam Al-Mahdi: The Awaited Hope for Humanity: Part 1
The belief in the Mahdi is not only an essential doctrine deep-rooted in ...
Moment by moment expectation due to the unpredictability of the time of rising
Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said to his companions, Be more hopeful on the things that you consider far-fetched than that which you presume very likely. Verily, Musa Ibn Imran (AS) went to bring ...
The sudden nature of the advent of al-Qaim (A.S)
The Shea and the Sunni traditionalists have narrated that the advent of Imam al-Mahdi (AS) will be rectified by Allah within just one night. In other words, its time is very unpredictable and depends on ...
Some Ways for Waiving the Remaining Time of Occulation (Part 3)
Below are some of the things we can do to seek the pleasure of Allah and His ...
Some Ways for Waiving the Remaining Time of Occulation (Part 2)
Below are some of the things we can do to seek the pleasure of Allah and ...
The Badaa and its significance (Part 2)
In another verse of the Qur’an, Allah stated:Why had not there been a township (among those We decreed to destroy) whose people would accept faith so that their faith should have profited them, except for the People of ...
Some Ways for Waiving the Remaining Time of Occulation (Part 1)
Below are some of the things we can do to seek the pleasure of Allah and ...
The Badaa and its significance (Part 1)
There are many pieces of evidence in the Qur’an and the traditions expressing that Allah may change what He has already willed and He may initiate a ...
How can we become an expectant of al-Qaim (AS)
It is, now, clear that the problem of occultation is due to the ugly actions that ...
Will there be any confusion in Identifying al-Qaim (AS(?
The occurrence of the signs indicates that the rising of al-Qaim is about to take ...
The possibility of canceling the signs of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S)
The reported signs were the information that Allah willed about their occurrence in future and were in effect at the time that the Imams (AS) spoke about them. In other words, with their vision in the knowledge of what had been ...
The signs before reappearance of al-Mahdi (A.S)
During their missions, all the Prophets and Apostles have emphasized the fact that a savior will arrive at the end of time who will ...
The significance and the purpose of specifying the signs
Specifying the signs before the time of reappearance has its own advantages and ...
Terminology of the Mahdiism Doctrine:
Some religious or philosophical concepts are pivotal, and are interpreted in a particular way as Doctrine. For instance...
The Doctrine of Mahdiism and its Impact
The doctrine of Mahdiism, a religious tenet and teaching, is the core of the Shi`i culture and enjoys the potentiality ...
Awaiting the Divine Savior
ior On the 15th Sha'ban, Muslims celebrate the auspicious birth anniversary of the 12th Imam, Hazrat Mahdi (AS) and we extend our heartfelt greetings to all the Muslims and the oppressed people of the world on ...