شنبه 29 دي 1403 - 16 رجب 1446 - 18 ژانوِيه 2025
تبیان، دستیار زندگی
در حال بار گزاری ....
صفحه اصلی تبیان
شبکه اجتماعی
فروشگاه اینترنتی
All in the Intention, Right?
How often do we hear people justifying the sins they commit in the name of their ‘intention’? ‘Oh, I know Im a ...
Inscriptions of the Gates of Paradise & Hell
Apostle of Allah said (s): When I was led in ascension into heaven, Gabriel (A) said to me: Paradise and Hell have been commanded to come before you. Prophet (S) said: I saw Paradise and what it contains from blessings and I saw Hell and what it consists.
Importance of Knowledge in Islam
Providing the Importance of Knowledge with four noble Hadiths........
Khums in the Quran and History
Khums literally means one-fifth (or 20%). In Islamic legal terminology, it means one-fifth of certain items which a person acquires as wealth, and which must be paid as an Islamic tax......
Our Opportunity to Obey the Prophet & Ali (as)
Here we see that people get the opportunity to obey the present Imam even if he misses the time of the previous Imam....
Ghadir in respect of the Present Imam (a.s.)
After all the painstaking efforts we are unmistakably able to conclude that the present problems of the Muslim Ummah are originally due to the mistakes and falsehood of the previous generation and not the present....
Books related to event of Ghadir
There are at least 185 sunni books which have mentioned the event of Ghadir. It is not possible to mention all of them here but we mention just a few...
Brief Facts about Ghadir Event
Ghadir literary means small lake or pond. Ghadir is the name of a place that comes on the way from Makkah to Medina. It is 3 miles further than Johfa towards Medina. There existed a small pond at this place.
A celebrated psychiatrist says: Unfortunately, the governments only take into consideration the monetary and tax benefits derived from alcohol but fail to consider the enormous funds spent to rectify its evils....
Sadaqat-ul-Jariyah: The Actions Which Outlive You!
The Actions Which Outlive You.....
Why Should We Offer Prayers At Prescribed Times?
people say: “We do not deny the philosophy behind the prayers and nor do we refute its importance or its educative effects, but what is the need for it to be offered at prescribed times? .....
What Is The Philosophy Behind (The Payment) Of Zakat?
In view of the fact that Islam did not manifest itself as an ethical, philosophical or theological doctrine but rather, came forth as a comprehensive religion that catered to all the material and spiritual needs of the people.......
What is the manner of performing Wudhu?
Verse no. 6 of the chapter al-Maidah makes a mention of all those things that bring about the purification of man’s soul and hence, a considerable portion of the rulings associated with wudhu, ghusl and tayammum, which bring about purification of soul...
Who is Shiia?
Perhaps,one may think that the Shiia of Ahlul Bayt (a) is someone who is born in a Shiia family, or someone who participates in the azadari of Imam Husain (a),someone who only claims to love Prophet (s) and His Ahlul Bayt (a), but
What Is The Need To Face The Qiblah In The Prayers?
facing the Qiblah is not at all intended to confine the presence of the Holy God in a particular direction. However, since man is a material entity and thus, must necessarily face a direction while...
What Is The Philosophy Behind Tayammum ?
Numerous people question as to what benefit could the hitting of hands upon the earth and then wiping them over the forehead and the back of the hands possibly possess, especially in the light of our knowledge that very many of the soils are dirty....
Prayers: What Is The Philosophy Behind Wudhu And Ghusl?
Undoubtedly, wudhu possesses two manifest benefits - the medical benefit and the ethical and spiritual one.....
Liberation by the Veil
Modesty and chastity, very important ideologies with Islam, are achieved by prescribing standards on behavior and the dress of a Muslim. A woman who adheres to the tenements of Islam is required to follow the dress code called Hijab.....
Bible Verses regarding Head Covering
King James Bible, CORINTHIANS 11:1-18. Bible verses regarding head covering or Hijab. It clearly states that the woman needs to cover up her hair.
History of Head covering or Hijab
In this section we will be pondering over the history of Head covering or Hijab as general, particularly looking at the ancient times. Our focus would be:Whether in past history of civilizations Hijab used to exists or not?....
Head Covering or hijab in Christianity
A common misconception is that Muslim women are the only ones who cover their hair. It may be true that Islam is the only religion in which most women follow its directives to cover the hair, but it is not the only religion to have such directives.....
A Step towards Truth
Have you ever counted the number of times you have lied to others? Whether it is intentional or unintentional, people often lie. Children often...
The Excellences of the Imam Husayn
HUMAN history may be seen as a record of the eternal struggle between right and wrong, virtue and vice, good and evil, and righteousness and wickedness. This struggle was decreed by God when Adam, an earthly creature, was sent to earth.......
Imam Hossein (A.S) in other Islamic Sectors
Shiahs regard Husayn as an Imam (lord of the spiritual kingdom) and a martyr.He is believed to be the third imam. He set out on his path in order to save Islam and the Ummah from annihilation at the hands of Yazid......
Mutawatir Hadith of Ghadir
The following extracts (taken from authentic Sunni books) from the said lecture (khutbah) of the Holy Prophet are very important...
Narrators of Ghadir-e khome event
110 companions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)...
The Sermon of the Prophet on the pond of khome
Upon receiving the verse, the Prophet [s] stopped on that place (the pond of Khumm) which was extremely hot....
What is charity?
The Prophet (SAW) has said: "No one of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." ....
Prayer Protects You
When Allah created a man (Adam and Eve), He also created Satan, Jinns and Angels, in order to maintain the balance in the world! Allah knew very well that a man, whom he has created....
power of prayer
Edifying, Spiritual and Mental Effects of Prayer
Worship is one of the best ways that links man with God, the Author of the Universe. When man needs a power beyond the realm of matter...
Quotable Quotations on Prayers
ers -- Imam Ali (AS) , in his deathbed, placed a great emphasis on worshipping God, the Almighty saying, "Prayers, prayers, prayers." -- The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran says: "Man always ne...
13;t Zakᾱt (or Zakah; in English: tax, alms, tithe)is the third of the Five Pillars of Islam in Sunni Islam and one of the Branches of Religion in Shi'a Islam. Its literal meaning is 'to grow (in goodness)' or 'incr...
Woman Half-the-Man?
an? Crisis of Male Epistemology in Islamic Jurisprudence Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina University of Virginia Introduction Islamic sacred law, the Shari'a, has been regarded by Muslims as a perfect, divinely ordained rel...
The Satanic Verses controversy
sy "I inform the proud Muslim people of the world that the author of the Satanic Verses book which is against Islam, the Prophet and the Koran, and all involved in its publication who were aware of its content, are ...
Salt (/Salh: Prayer; in Persian: Namaz)
az) The word "salat" is derived from Syriac, or from Aramaic, where the root si' means to bow or bend, the Arabic verb salla, to perform the salat, is derived from the noun. The salat, one of the pillars of Isla...
Khums (The Islamic Tax)
ax) "Khums" literally means "one-fifth or 20%". In Islamic legal terminology, it means "one-fifth of certain items which a person acquires as wealth, and which must be paid as an Islamic tax"....
Al-A′LA (Glory to your Lord)
) Name The Surah takes its name from the wordal-A'la in the very first verse. Period of Revelation The subject matter shows that this too is one of the earliest Surahs to be revealed, and the words: "We shall enable you...
ma Iqamah is an Arabic word that refers to the second call for the prayer which follows the first call (Adhan). Iqamah means that the prayer is ready to start. For both men and women it is mustahabb (recommended) to recite...
han Call for Prayer Adhan (aḏān)[1] the Islamic call to prayer, recited by the muezzin. Adhan literally means 'announcement', and in the Shari'a it means the announcement made in specific words at the time o...
Ablution (Wudu;)
Prior to performing the daily prayers, and as a recommended or obligatory prerequisite to other acts of worship, Muslims must purify themselves – this is usually done with water. The minor form of this purification with water...
Eid Al Ghadir
dir "Today I have perfected your religion and completed my favor upon you, and I was satisfied that Islam be your religion." (Qur'an 5:3) The flaming orange sun is now directly overhead, casting intense heat on a...
ION (Mubahala) Allah says in Holy Qur'an, "Tell anyone who argues with you(Muhammad) concerning it, once knowledge has come to you:' Come, let us call our children and your children, our women and your ...
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