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انجمن ها > انجمن انگليسي > صفحه اول بحث
لطفا در سایت شناسائی شوید!
انگليسي (بازدید: 6390)
يکشنبه 21/11/1386 - 2:22 -0 تشکر 29292
جلسه دوم TELS

با سلام و عرض ارادت .  

با تشکر از دوستانی که اعلام علاقه مندی برای شرکت در TELS کردند ( برای اطلاع بیشتر درباره این طرح اینجا را کلیک کنید ) . اما از انجایی که در جلسه قبل موضوع جلسه بعد مشخص نشد ،استثنا اینبار موضوع 25 دقیقه ابتدایی رو خودم مشخص کردم تا از پراکندگی افکار در جلسه جلوگیری بشه .از جلسه بعد در پایان هر جلسه موضوع آموزشی جلسه بعدی رو همون جا تعیین میکنیم .

1) موضوع جلسه  دوم :   کاربرد افعال TO BE

 2) تاریخ برگزاری :  چهار شنبه 24/11 ساعت 10 شب

تذکرات :

 1) چون جلسات راس ساعت شروع و فعلا طبق توافقات 30 دقیقه خواهد بود حتما سعی کنید راس ساعت در اینترنت باشید .

2) در جلسات هر جا نیاز به آموزش نکته خاصی باشد استفاده از زبان فارسی ایرادی ندارد چون هدف از اجرای این طرح آموزش و ارتقای مهارت استفاده از زبان انگلیسی است .

3) سعی کنید برای هر جلسه با کمی مطالعه و حداقل ارائه یک نکته آموزشی در جلسه حضور یابید.

اطلاع رسانی به دوستانتون رو فراموش نکنید.

موفق و پیروز باشید . 

One is never too old to learn .

يکشنبه 21/11/1386 - 22:56 - 0 تشکر 29442


i thought this time would be one hour and i can be on line at 10:30

so when i come you will be gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what  a pity................

plz 10:30 at least!!!!

 10is toooooooooooo soooooooooooooon


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


سه شنبه 23/11/1386 - 2:6 - 0 تشکر 29613

حس غریب عزیز 

 اگرهر هفته همین روز چهارشنبه مشکل دارین میشه با هماهنگی در همین تاپیک روز برگزاری جلسات رو تغییر داد و لی به نظر اکثر دوستان در جلسه قبل بهتر هست جلسه حداکثر ساعت 10 برگزار بشه .

اگر فقط همین هفته با این ساعت مشکل دارید از نظر من اشکالی نداره باید ببینیم بقیه موافقن یا نه

اگر تا چهارشنبه ظهر با ساعت  10:30 مخالفتی نشد این هفته استثنا در این ساعت جلسه برگزار میشه .

God rest you

One is never too old to learn .

پنج شنبه 25/11/1386 - 9:19 - 0 تشکر 29910

                                     جلسه دوم برگزار شد

اعضای حاضر به ترتیب حروف الفبا :

  j.mehrabzadeh   # nikadel nikdel  #  Researcher Tebyan   #  shah_e_shoorideh_saran  #

گزارش جلسه دوم در ادامه خواهد آمد ...

One is never too old to learn .

پنج شنبه 25/11/1386 - 17:17 - 0 تشکر 29968

                                           In The Name Of God

                                       Session  two  of  TELS

shah_e_shoorideh_saran has joined the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh has joined the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh: سلام
j.mehrabzadeh: شب خوش
Researcher Tebyan: سلام
Researcher Tebyan: کس دیگه ای هم هست؟
j.mehrabzadeh: اجازه بدید یک نفر دیگه هم هست
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: بله من!
Researcher Tebyan:
Researcher Tebyan: نه
j.mehrabzadeh: آی دی آسمان چی بود
Researcher Tebyan: منظورم اینه که کس دیگه ای هم آنلاین هست که بخواد در کنفرانس باشه؟
j.mehrabzadeh: چون اونم آن بود
j.mehrabzadeh: بله
j.mehrabzadeh: آسمان
Researcher Tebyan: pv_aseman masiha
j.mehrabzadeh: ممنون
j.mehrabzadeh: آسمان نیومد
j.mehrabzadeh: حس غریب آن بود ولی هر چی براش پیغام میزدم جواب نمیداد
Researcher Tebyan: خوب مهم نیست
Researcher Tebyan: میخواید شروع کنیم
Researcher Tebyan: اگه اومدن به ما ملحق میشن دیگه
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: من که موافقم!
j.mehrabzadeh: بله
Researcher Tebyan: اگه نه هم که ما برنامه نیم ساعته خودمون رو انجان دادیم
Researcher Tebyan: *انجام
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: ok let the party begin!!!
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: you Start Hava
j.mehrabzadeh: ok
j.mehrabzadeh: No please you start or another
j.mehrabzadeh: sorry
Researcher Tebyan: Ok
Researcher Tebyan: Attendances till now are me (Researcher), Hava (j.mehrabzade) and Shah (Shah e Shooride)

Researcher Tebyan: so in the of God
Researcher Tebyan: what was the Proposed topic?
Researcher Tebyan: I dont remember Hava
Researcher Tebyan:
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: to be verbs
Researcher Tebyan: aha
j.mehrabzadeh: The subject is about "To be " verb
Researcher Tebyan: I thought it is a conversation’s topic to be dissected about
j.mehrabzadeh: Very good start for this project
Researcher Tebyan: *discussed
Researcher Tebyan: ok
j.mehrabzadeh: ok
Researcher Tebyan: to be verb as far as i know
Researcher Tebyan: Is the simplification of the verb’s form
j.mehrabzadeh: tutor please tell us Whats are "to be " verbs ?
Researcher Tebyan: Mainly we use them in such positions to make an intentional statement
j.mehrabzadeh: over
Researcher Tebyan: to be
Researcher Tebyan: am
Researcher Tebyan: is
Researcher Tebyan: are
Researcher Tebyan: etc
Researcher Tebyan: is it clear?
j.mehrabzadeh: yes thanks
j.mehrabzadeh: over
Researcher Tebyan: subject + to be + ...
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: yes. go on
Researcher Tebyan: some structures like that
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: They are known as the simplest way of sentence making
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: i think we can talk about them more having some questions or examples
Researcher Tebyan: if there is any, carry on
Researcher Tebyan: over
j.mehrabzadeh: go on please
nikadel nikdel: No, thank you.
Yahoo! Messenger: nikadel nikdel has declined to join.
Researcher Tebyan: I am really puzzled what to say about them 
Researcher Tebyan: am , is , are in the present form
Researcher Tebyan: was . were (past form)
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok i have one question?
Researcher Tebyan: and been as the P.P form
Researcher Tebyan: and BE is the general format of that
Researcher Tebyan: over
j.mehrabzadeh: My question answerd
Researcher Tebyan: what was that?
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: which one?
j.mehrabzadeh: my question was about time of use them
j.mehrabzadeh: that you answer
j.mehrabzadeh: But can you tell us some example please for every time?
j.mehrabzadeh: over
nikadel nikdel has joined the conference.
Researcher Tebyan: you give me the Persian structure, i can give the English one in return
nikadel nikdel: hi
Researcher Tebyan: over
Researcher Tebyan: Hi Nikadel
nikadel nikdel:
Researcher Tebyan: Hava
Researcher Tebyan: i think this is not a topic for conversation
j.mehrabzadeh: می خوام چند نمونه دلخواه از استفاده از این افعال داشته باشیم
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: you can give examples for presen tenseositive,negetive,yes/no question,negetive question,questionword queston and the same for other tenses
Researcher Tebyan: this kind of meeting is supposed to be so Cooperative for everyone
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Hi nikadel
nikadel nikdel: hi sHAHE SHORIDE
j.mehrabzadeh: coorporative ?
Researcher Tebyan: so that all can share and exchange their own idea about the topic
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok
Researcher Tebyan: if you agree we can make it over and answer any questions
Researcher Tebyan: then go after a social topic
Researcher Tebyan: like the former meeting
j.mehrabzadeh: You mean we must copmany with other f
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: yes i guess we"d better change the topic
Researcher Tebyan: to Encourage our friends to participate
j.mehrabzadeh: I though this topic was useful for some like me
Researcher Tebyan: yes
Researcher Tebyan: i think so
Researcher Tebyan: if there is any question about TO BE form or there is any Sentence one wants to translate from Persian to English let me know
Researcher Tebyan: Otherwise I would suggest specifying a social topic to be discussed about
Researcher Tebyan: over
Researcher Tebyan: any questions?
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Is it world war II? why you say "over"?
j.mehrabzadeh: No i think is better that we discusse about this kind of disscusion in community
j.mehrabzadeh: over
Researcher Tebyan: it is our deal
Researcher Tebyan: قرارداد ِ ماست
Researcher Tebyan: to show that we are done about our Sentence
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Ok. over
j.mehrabzadeh: ریسر چر عزیز فکر میکنم بهتر هست درباره آموزش زبان و قواعدش در همن انجمن مطرخ بشه
Researcher Tebyan: and to let other people know that they are welcome to continue the discussion
j.mehrabzadeh: من متقاعد شدم
Researcher Tebyan: when you are chatting with your friends in normal messenger window
j.mehrabzadeh: It"s better we change topic now
Researcher Tebyan: there is a message shwing that:
Researcher Tebyan: showing that:
Researcher Tebyan: "... is typing a message"
Researcher Tebyan: but in Yahoo Conference it is not the case
Researcher Tebyan: so we made that deal (over) to avoid any conflict
Researcher Tebyan: do you understand Shah?
Researcher Tebyan: over
j.mehrabzadeh: So please start a new topic
j.mehrabzadeh: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Yes. I understud. over.
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan:
Researcher Tebyan: so
Researcher Tebyan: let"s select the topic
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: *understood
Researcher Tebyan: any clue is appreciated
Researcher Tebyan: come on
Researcher Tebyan: over
j.mehrabzadeh: "any clue is appreciated"
j.mehrabzadeh: What means this sentence ?
Researcher Tebyan: *what does ... mean?
Researcher Tebyan: (the correct format)
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok
j.mehrabzadeh: THanks
j.mehrabzadeh: over
Researcher Tebyan: هر ایده ای مورد تشکر است
Researcher Tebyan: یه همچین چیزی
Researcher Tebyan: clue
Researcher Tebyan: ایده نظر
Researcher Tebyan: clueless
Researcher Tebyan: بی ایده
Researcher Tebyan: بی نظر
Researcher Tebyan: دقیقا این آیکون:
Researcher Tebyan:
Researcher Tebyan: over
j.mehrabzadeh: My offerd subject is " Edjucation in colledge"
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Is adventure sport a good idea?
nikadel nikdel: since tomorrow is a special day (anybody knows what is it?) I want to suggest it as the topic
j.mehrabzadeh: I dont know?
nikadel nikdel: valentine
nikadel nikdel: over
Researcher Tebyan: ok
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: we have only 3 min. to tomarrow.then we can wait and talk about "today"!!!
Researcher Tebyan: among Sport, Education and Valentine, I would definitely rather the last one
Researcher Tebyan: over
Researcher Tebyan: yes
Researcher Tebyan: ok
j.mehrabzadeh: Oh i lost. can you explain what"s that(valentine) ?
nikadel nikdel:
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Ok. go on with valentine.
Researcher Tebyan: Does everybody agree with Valentine as the topic?
Researcher Tebyan: Hava
Researcher Tebyan: do you agree?
Researcher Tebyan: over
nikadel nikdel: valentine is love dey
j.mehrabzadeh: Yes agree
j.mehrabzadeh: over
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: when you want to answer this question:
Researcher Tebyan: "do you agree"
Researcher Tebyan: you can say:
Researcher Tebyan: i agrre
Researcher Tebyan: yes, agreed
nikadel nikdel: i agreeg
Researcher Tebyan: or i do agree
nikadel nikdel: g=d
Researcher Tebyan: برای تاکید
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: as far as i know
j.mehrabzadeh: Thank you
Researcher Tebyan: 14th of Februrary is the Valentine"s day
Researcher Tebyan: or the day of hearts
Researcher Tebyan: it is a very long story
j.mehrabzadeh: Why people called this day "valentine" exactly?
j.mehrabzadeh: over
Researcher Tebyan: an Ancient one
nikadel nikdel: idont no
Researcher Tebyan: can you Nika answer his question?
Researcher Tebyan: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: It was name of sb. a pries I guess.
nikadel nikdel: i dont now
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: *priest
nikadel nikdel: over
j.mehrabzadeh: Are you sure?
j.mehrabzadeh: over
Researcher Tebyan: yes
Researcher Tebyan: he is right
Researcher Tebyan: over
Researcher Tebyan: can you explain more about that dear Shah?
Researcher Tebyan: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I try to find sth if you wait a couple of minutes!
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
Researcher Tebyan:
Researcher Tebyan: we want you to make it in your own word
Researcher Tebyan: ما میخوایم که شما با کلمات خودت برامون بگی
Researcher Tebyan: over
j.mehrabzadeh: I have another question ?
Researcher Tebyan: :
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: you give me the info. and i"ll tell it in my own words.
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
Researcher Tebyan: ask dear Hava
Researcher Tebyan: over
Researcher Tebyan: Mr Hava
Researcher Tebyan: j.mehrabzadeh: I have another question ?
j.mehrabzadeh: What is the people"s hobby and activity in this day around the worlsd?
Researcher Tebyan: OVER?
j.mehrabzadeh: sorry over
Researcher Tebyan:
Researcher Tebyan: Please have respect for rules and don’t forget to apply OVER when you are done
Researcher Tebyan: Thank you
Researcher Tebyan: ok
j.mehrabzadeh: ok
j.mehrabzadeh: over
Researcher Tebyan: ok . VALENTINE was a Priest
Researcher Tebyan:
Researcher Tebyan: many years ago
Researcher Tebyan: and by that time
Researcher Tebyan: Marriage was forbidden according to an order from the King
Researcher Tebyan: ولنتاین یک کشیش بود
Researcher Tebyan: خیلی سال قبل
Researcher Tebyan: اون زمان ازدواج قدغن بود
Researcher Tebyan: بخاطر دستوری که ظادشاه اون کشور داده بود
j.mehrabzadeh: Yes i undrestand totaly!
j.mehrabzadeh: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: valentine is also name of somewhere(I found out right now!)
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
Researcher Tebyan: the reason was that King thinks if he would avoid people to get married, he could have a better military system
Researcher Tebyan: but anyway,
Researcher Tebyan: Valentine denied to obey the king"s regulation
Researcher Tebyan: and was very active to make relationship between all lover and beloved people
nikadel nikdel: plz translation...over
Researcher Tebyan: دلیلش این بود که شاه فکر میکرد
Researcher Tebyan: اگر جلوی مردم رو برای ازدواج بگیره
Researcher Tebyan: ارتش بهتری خواهد داشت
Researcher Tebyan: از سربازان مجرد
Researcher Tebyan: (که فقط به فکر جنگ هستند نه زن و بجه و ...)
Researcher Tebyan: اما ولنتاین از اطاعت دستور شاه سرپیچی کرد
Researcher Tebyan: و فعالیت خودش رو برای اینکه عاشق و معشوق ها رو به هم برسونه
Researcher Tebyan: ادامه داد
Researcher Tebyan: lover
Researcher Tebyan: عاشق
Researcher Tebyan: beloved
Researcher Tebyan: معشوق
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: and then
nikadel nikdel: ok
nikadel nikdel: over
Researcher Tebyan: King happens to knowwhat Valentine is doing and about to do
Researcher Tebyan: and finally the king sentenced Valentine to execution
Researcher Tebyan: and killed him
Researcher Tebyan: بعد شاه فهمید
Researcher Tebyan: که ولنتاین چه کار میکنه
Researcher Tebyan: و اون رو به اعدام محکوم کرد
Researcher Tebyan: و کشتش
nikadel nikdel:
Researcher Tebyan: sentenced to ...
Researcher Tebyan: محکوم شدن به چیزی
Researcher Tebyan: execution
Researcher Tebyan: اعدام
nikadel nikdel: میشه تلفظ را بنویسید
Researcher Tebyan: (اجرا هم معنی میده، اینجا اعدام)
Researcher Tebyan: اگزکیوشن
Researcher Tebyan: ok
nikadel nikdel: over
Researcher Tebyan: so
Researcher Tebyan: Valentine
nikadel nikdel: no
nikadel nikdel: mahkon be edamo migam
Researcher Tebyan: is the martyr of love
nikadel nikdel: over
Researcher Tebyan: please write only in Persian or English
Researcher Tebyan: thanks
Researcher Tebyan: سنتنس
Researcher Tebyan: مثل تلفط جمله است
Researcher Tebyan: سنتنس
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: and this day
Researcher Tebyan: 14th of Feb
nikadel nikdel: ok
Researcher Tebyan: is known as the day for love or hearts
Researcher Tebyan: to thank Valentine and his efforts for love
Researcher Tebyan: بنابراین ولنتاین شهید عشق شد
Researcher Tebyan: و این روز به روز قلب ها و عشق نامگذاری شده
Researcher Tebyan: برای احترام و قدردانی از تلاشی که او برای عشق کرد
Researcher Tebyan: OVER
Researcher Tebyan:
nikadel nikdel: 
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: Hava
Researcher Tebyan: to answer your question
Researcher Tebyan: let me write it in Persian
Researcher Tebyan: and you guys try to convert it to English
Researcher Tebyan: معمولا در این روز مردم در دنیا
Researcher Tebyan: به نامزد یا فرد مورد علاقه اشون
Researcher Tebyan: هدیه ای میدن
Researcher Tebyan: که نشون بدن دوستش دارن
Researcher Tebyan: اما چندین سال هست
Researcher Tebyan: که ولنتاین روز عشق مخفی
Researcher Tebyan: یا عشق رازگونه هم هست
Researcher Tebyan: به این صورت که
Researcher Tebyan: شما به فردی که دوست میدارید هدیه ای میدهید
Researcher Tebyan: اما به صورت ناشناس
Researcher Tebyan: مثلا پست ...
Researcher Tebyan: و فرد باید حدس بزند که
Researcher Tebyan: "او کیست" ...
Researcher Tebyan: your turn to convert them to English
Researcher Tebyan: over
nikadel nikdel: جالب بود
nikadel nikdel: من دیگه باید برم
nikadel nikdel: شب خوش
nikadel nikdel: good night
nikadel nikdel: bye
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: thank you
Researcher Tebyan: bye
Researcher Tebyan: Hava and Shah
nikadel nikdel has left the conference.
Researcher Tebyan: coem on
Researcher Tebyan: over
Researcher Tebyan: ok
it seems you are so sleepy
Researcher Tebyan:
Researcher Tebyan: I feel it is enough (or more than enough) for tonight
Researcher Tebyan: Please make a report of the meeting
Researcher Tebyan: and send it to ANJOMAN
Researcher Tebyan: thank you all
Researcher Tebyan: Have a good night
j.mehrabzadeh has joined the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh: I"m sorry
Researcher Tebyan: Researcher Tebyan: coem on
Researcher Tebyan: over
Researcher Tebyan: ok
it seems you are so sleepy
Researcher Tebyan:
Researcher Tebyan: I feel it is enough (or more than enough) for tonight
Researcher Tebyan: Please make a report of the meeting
Researcher Tebyan: and send it to ANJOMAN
Researcher Tebyan: thank you all
Researcher Tebyan: Have a good night
Researcher Tebyan: i am about to leave
j.mehrabzadeh: I disconected
Researcher Tebyan: yes
Researcher Tebyan: ok
Researcher Tebyan: see you later online
j.mehrabzadeh: Thank you so much dear researcher
Researcher Tebyan: good bye
Researcher Tebyan: you are welcome
j.mehrabzadeh: Have a good night .

One is never too old to learn .

جمعه 26/11/1386 - 0:2 - 0 تشکر 30045

what time did u started????

i was on from 10:20 till about 11 but niether mr reasearcher nor mr mehrabzade were on and i still was not added to the list!!!!


better i quit participating in these sessions!!!


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


يکشنبه 28/11/1386 - 1:38 - 0 تشکر 30360

فکر میکنم همون ساعت 11 شروع کردیم با کمی تاخیر البته که ظاهرا برای اکثر دوستان به خاطر مشکل ورود به یاهو مسنجر بوده (البته من شخصا مشکلی داشتم که زودتر از 11 نتونستم آنلاین باشم)
آی دی ِ حس غریب عزیز هم اضافه شد در همون شب.
البته مجموعا فکر میکنم این جلسات خیلی یک طرفه است و مشارکت دوستان در صحبت کردن به حد کافی نیست. شاید باید تصمیم جدیدی بگیریم. تحلیل نتایج جلسه و میزان مفید بودنش رو به خود دوستان واگذار میکنم.

يکشنبه 28/11/1386 - 20:16 - 0 تشکر 30468

سلام به همگی .عذر میخوام چند روزی سرم شلوغ بود. با کمی تاخیر باید بگم  متاسفانه من نتونستم در ساعت اعلام شده وارد مسنجر بشم از طرف دیگه  در همون جلسه چندین بار شما حس غریب و آسمان عزیز رو صدا کردم اما با اینکه آنلاین بودید متوجه نشدین .

ارزیابی : جلسه برای من از جلسه قبل مفید تر بود .

من هم با صحبتها ی ریسرچر عزیز موافقم که باید تصمیماتی در جهت مفید تر شدن جلسات داشته باشیم. مثلا من میخواستم با قرار دادن موضوعات آموزشی زبان انگلیسی برای گفتگو ، جلسات رو عمومی تر کنم و برای عده بیشتری کاربرد داشته باشه و لی مشکل اصلی این هست که باید اطلاع رسانی در این زمینه رو بیشتر کنیم . من دنبال راهی برای اطلاع رسانی این کار هستم چون میدونم در خیلی ازانجمن ها علاقه مندان زیادی هستند که هنوز اطلاعی ندارند. مثلا اگر بشه بحث این طرح رو در انجمن های دیگه به عنوان بحث منتخب قرار دا مشکل اطلاع رسانی هم حل میشه . این رو ریسر چر عزیز بهتر میدونن که عملی هست یا نه؟

البته دلیل اصلی اینکه خیلی ها در جلسات چیزی نمیگن این هست که تا به حال قبل از جلسات موضوع قطعی جلسات بعد رو مشخص نکردیم و در هر دو جلسه موضوع اعلام شده در همان جلسه تغییر کرده است به همین دلیل من پیشنهاد میکنم موضوع گفتگو جلسه بعد در آخرین جلسه ختما تعیین شود .تا افراد شرکت کننده آمادگی لازم از نظر کسب اطلاعات و یادگیری لغات لازم رو داشته باشند و در جلسه سر در گم نباشیم . نظر شما چیه ؟

به هر حال من خیلی به این طرح امیدورام و خوشحالم که جلسه دوم نیز برگزار شد و از حس غریب عزیز و بقیه دوستان میخوام با قبول عذر خواهی من بابت جلسه قبل حتما در جلسه بعد شرکت کنین.

به امید دیدار  

One is never too old to learn .

يکشنبه 28/11/1386 - 20:45 - 0 تشکر 30478

به نیابت از همه دوستان از حس غریب عزیز میخوام موضوع گفتگو جلسه سوم رو تعیین کنین ؟


One is never too old to learn .

چهارشنبه 1/12/1386 - 0:54 - 0 تشکر 30847

                                         جلسه سوم

 سلام و عرض ارادت .  

با تشکر از دوستانی که اعلام علاقه مندی برای شرکت در TELS کردند ( برای اطلاع بیشتر درباره این طرح اینجا را کلیک کنید )

1) موضوع جلسه  سوم  : Free discussion

2) تاریخ برگزاری :  چهار شنبه 1/12        ساعت 30/10 شب

تذکرات :

1) چون جلسات راس ساعت شروع و فعلا طبق توافقات 30 دقیقه خواهد بود حتما سعی کنید راس ساعت در اینترنت باشید .

2) در جلسات هر جا نیاز به آموزش نکته خاصی باشد استفاده از زبان فارسی ایرادی ندارد چون هدف از اجرای این طرح آموزش و ارتقای مهارت استفاده از زبان انگلیسی است .

3) سعی کنید برای هر جلسه با کمی مطالعه و حداقل ارائه یک نکته آموزشی در جلسه حضور یابید.

اطلاع رسانی به دوستانتون رو فراموش نکنید.

موفق و پیروز باشید . 

One is never too old to learn .

شنبه 4/12/1386 - 0:42 - 0 تشکر 31375

  In the name of God

Session No.3 Report

Hi everyone. we took part in session number three wednesday night.

Participanting in alphabet mode

حس غریب ، هوای دوست ، شاه شوریده سران ، نیکادل

!  let"s start

j.mehrabzadeh: of course you and shah is professional but almost every one in community have problem with english language
hesse_gharib2009: yes and we all can help eachother to improve
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: and we are not serious enough( I think)
hesse_gharib2009: it is our aim.............over
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok please
j.mehrabzadeh: i have this issu too
hesse_gharib2009: so how can we make oters serious???...over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I"m not a pro. I"m at most an intermediate!
hesse_gharib2009: others
j.mehrabzadeh: and i offer to dear researcher to take a link from community to homepage of Tebyan
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: they themselves must understand that how important it is to improve their skills in english.
hesse_gharib2009: but you are good....we all can became better if we try harder
hesse_gharib2009: RIGHT.....................OVER
hesse_gharib2009: ANy thing to be disscussed???my dear Manager??
hesse_gharib2009: o you live in mashhad dear j??
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: I am so absent because i am too late in typing
j.mehrabzadeh: Yes i live in mashad now
j.mehrabzadeh: over
hesse_gharib2009: so please pray for us while yopu go to holy shrine..i missed imam reza(pbuh) tooo much
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: pray for me more than him!
hesse_gharib2009: noooooooooooooooooooooooooo me mooooooooooooooooooor
j.mehrabzadeh: sure you can sure about it. with all of my soal for all
hesse_gharib2009: where do u live shah??
hesse_gharib2009: over
hesse_gharib2009: SORRY YOU CAN BE SURE
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I live in craziness desert!!!
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: ????? ????
j.mehrabzadeh: What????????
hesse_gharib2009: it goes with you............
hesse_gharib2009: no..seriously??
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: presently in teh.
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
j.mehrabzadeh: I imagine your face so much hot shah .............
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I mean ????? ????(???????)dear j.
hesse_gharib2009: do you believe one of our teacher said our universoity was a mental hospital before???
j.mehrabzadeh: Where is this city exactly??????????
hesse_gharib2009: how will you feel if you were in my shoes???
j.mehrabzadeh: Oh no
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Tehran.j.
j.mehrabzadeh: thats to bad
j.mehrabzadeh: too bad
hesse_gharib2009: TRible actually.....................
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: that"s a very bad place. It"s a prison for us!
j.mehrabzadeh: You must be with spirit in class
hesse_gharib2009: oooooh with alot of ghosts
j.mehrabzadeh: Whats the name of your mantal university ?
hesse_gharib2009: ...........those who have committed suicide...........
hesse_gharib2009: KHOD COSHI KARDAND
hesse_gharib2009: NAME NEVER MATTERS...........dear j
hesse_gharib2009: well................dear J manager what shall we do now???
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: oh no! my dear followers. they were made to commit suicide!
hesse_gharib2009: who??? shah??
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: You know we have some especial disscusion tonight
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: the mental pacients!
j.mehrabzadeh: i am conten almost
hesse_gharib2009: was it useful for you both??
hesse_gharib2009: for me it was nice............at last i could be in your conference.................our conference actually
j.mehrabzadeh: But i dont know how we can improve these session ?
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: It was so much better than last session!
hesse_gharib2009: well............i guss we should divide our time...
j.mehrabzadeh: Sure . i am so happy heard this
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: we have actually discussed and all of us participated.
j.mehrabzadeh: We divide it in first session
hesse_gharib2009: for example 15 min for Grammer based topics and 15 mins for free disscussions
hesse_gharib2009: where u said nothing about it
hesse_gharib2009: over
hesse_gharib2009: sorry you said ..............over
j.mehrabzadeh: If you see text og session one
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: learning issues can be said in forum. here we"d better to discuss about other things. don"t make it a classroom.
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
hesse_gharib2009: you don"t like studying shah?????????????over
j.mehrabzadeh: Yes you know the topic of recant session was "Te be verbs"
j.mehrabzadeh: But it wasn"t so much useful
hesse_gharib2009: may i leave this conference manager???its getting late...
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I like studying.but here we can practice how to make senseable wors about different isues. we can study in forum too.
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok thank you for supporting us to improve these session
j.mehrabzadeh: Lets determine topic of next session now
hesse_gharib2009: we are together............u can count on me............be sure..........
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I thing we"d better to leave too.
hesse_gharib2009: shah determine a grammer topic..........
hesse_gharib2009: and then you can go...........with Manger oermission
j.mehrabzadeh: I want topic detremine right now
hesse_gharib2009: sorry ...permission
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause
j.mehrabzadeh: cause i can write that to community
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: free discussion is a good topic! I vote for it!
hesse_gharib2009: free disscussion................happy memories
hesse_gharib2009: SHAME ON YOU SHAH
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: why?
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause..............free disscussion................happy memories
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok free disscusion is good but what about exactly?
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause..............free disscussion................happy memories
j.mehrabzadeh: It is more important
hesse_gharib2009: what do u think Manager??? and dear Shah
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok i have a offer
j.mehrabzadeh: You dear hase gharib
hesse_gharib2009: AN OFFER>>>>>>>>>
hesse_gharib2009: sorry............over
j.mehrabzadeh: you be our tutor in next session
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: we can talk about particular situation and our reactions in that situations.
hesse_gharib2009: i agree with shah.but i can"t get you manager
j.mehrabzadeh: Please allow me one minute
j.mehrabzadeh: No you jast be our tutor
j.mehrabzadeh: no manager
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: he offers you to be tutor(or maybe manager) in next session.
j.mehrabzadeh: you learn us about Granner please
j.mehrabzadeh: And we have another manager
j.mehrabzadeh: ok?
j.mehrabzadeh: Grammer is correct
j.mehrabzadeh: Do you agree?
j.mehrabzadeh: hese gharib ?
hesse_gharib2009: i will share what ever i know with you dear friends...............you be the manager .you have invented or discovered these conference
j.mehrabzadeh: You can be online next week
hesse_gharib2009: i hope i can be............but i will try to send you a file containig grammer points.to be used if i was not succesful
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok thats good.
j.mehrabzadeh: so thanks
hesse_gharib2009: THank u both....
j.mehrabzadeh: so you send me a text to same ID
hesse_gharib2009: i was happy to talk to you........
hesse_gharib2009: ok i will.............try
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: me too!
j.mehrabzadeh: And i introduce you as Tutor of next session
j.mehrabzadeh: ok?
j.mehrabzadeh: Agree ?
hesse_gharib2009: FINISH MANAGER????don"t forget praying for us.......EQUALLY
hesse_gharib2009: u plz be the manager
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: more for me!!!(i"m jealous!)
hesse_gharib2009: you r older and more experienced
j.mehrabzadeh: No shah is some more
hesse_gharib2009: beimg jelous is not goooooooooooooooooooooood
hesse_gharib2009: ooh .how old r u shah??
j.mehrabzadeh: Wait one mintue
j.mehrabzadeh: Dont go
hesse_gharib2009: ok
nikadel_19931 has joined the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh: We have a guss
hesse_gharib2009: oooooooooooooooops toooooooooo soooooooooooooon
hesse_gharib2009: salaam
hesse_gharib2009: hi nick
j.mehrabzadeh: Hi dear nikadel Why so much late?
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: curiosity killed th cat.hess!
hesse_gharib2009: it kills cats not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nikadel_19931: hi
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: cats have 9 lives but you have only one!!!(be carefull)
nikadel_19931 has left the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok My dear friend
hesse_gharib2009: he came and left?????
hesse_gharib2009: i have more than 9..............
j.mehrabzadeh: I am glad to meet you
hesse_gharib2009: i am a devil
j.mehrabzadeh: ?? ???? ????
hesse_gharib2009: GOOd night...pleased to meet you.wish you lots of bests ...........and ?????? ???
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Ok. it"s already midnight we can talk about your lives later! let"s farewell
j.mehrabzadeh: of course you and shah is professional but almost every one in community have problem with english language
hesse_gharib2009: yes and we all can help eachother to improve
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: and we are not serious enough( I think)
hesse_gharib2009: it is our aim.............over
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok please
j.mehrabzadeh: i have this issu too
hesse_gharib2009: so how can we make oters serious???...over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I"m not a pro. I"m at most an intermediate!
hesse_gharib2009: others
j.mehrabzadeh: and i offer to dear researcher to take a link from community to homepage of Tebyan
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: they themselves must understand that how important it is to improve their skills in english.
hesse_gharib2009: but you are good....we all can became better if we try harder
hesse_gharib2009: RIGHT.....................OVER
hesse_gharib2009: ANy thing to be disscussed???my dear Manager??
hesse_gharib2009: o you live in mashhad dear j??
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: I am so absent because i am too late in typing
j.mehrabzadeh: Yes i live in mashad now
j.mehrabzadeh: over
hesse_gharib2009: so please pray for us while yopu go to holy shrine..i missed imam reza(pbuh) tooo much
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: pray for me more than him!
hesse_gharib2009: noooooooooooooooooooooooooo me mooooooooooooooooooor
j.mehrabzadeh: sure you can sure about it. with all of my soal for all
hesse_gharib2009: where do u live shah??
hesse_gharib2009: over
hesse_gharib2009: SORRY YOU CAN BE SURE
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I live in craziness desert!!!
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: ????? ????
j.mehrabzadeh: What????????
hesse_gharib2009: it goes with you............
hesse_gharib2009: no..seriously??
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: presently in teh.
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
j.mehrabzadeh: I imagine your face so much hot shah .............
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I mean ????? ????(???????)dear j.
hesse_gharib2009: do you believe one of our teacher said our universoity was a mental hospital before???
j.mehrabzadeh: Where is this city exactly??????????
hesse_gharib2009: how will you feel if you were in my shoes???
j.mehrabzadeh: Oh no
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Tehran.j.
j.mehrabzadeh: thats to bad
j.mehrabzadeh: too bad
hesse_gharib2009: TRible actually.....................
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: that"s a very bad place. It"s a prison for us!
j.mehrabzadeh: You must be with spirit in class
hesse_gharib2009: oooooh with alot of ghosts
j.mehrabzadeh: Whats the name of your mantal university ?
hesse_gharib2009: ...........those who have committed suicide...........
hesse_gharib2009: KHOD COSHI KARDAND
hesse_gharib2009: NAME NEVER MATTERS...........dear j
hesse_gharib2009: well................dear J manager what shall we do now???
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: oh no! my dear followers. they were made to commit suicide!
hesse_gharib2009: who??? shah??
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: You know we have some especial disscusion tonight
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: the mental pacients!
j.mehrabzadeh: i am conten almost
hesse_gharib2009: was it useful for you both??
hesse_gharib2009: for me it was nice............at last i could be in your conference.................our conference actually
j.mehrabzadeh: But i dont know how we can improve these session ?
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: It was so much better than last session!
hesse_gharib2009: well............i guss we should divide our time...
j.mehrabzadeh: Sure . i am so happy heard this
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: we have actually discussed and all of us participated.
j.mehrabzadeh: We divide it in first session
hesse_gharib2009: for example 15 min for Grammer based topics and 15 mins for free disscussions
hesse_gharib2009: where u said nothing about it
hesse_gharib2009: over
hesse_gharib2009: sorry you said ..............over
j.mehrabzadeh: If you see text og session one
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: learning issues can be said in forum. here we"d better to discuss about other things. don"t make it a classroom.
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
hesse_gharib2009: you don"t like studying shah?????????????over
j.mehrabzadeh: Yes you know the topic of recant session was "Te be verbs"
j.mehrabzadeh: But it wasn"t so much useful
hesse_gharib2009: may i leave this conference manager???its getting late...
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I like studying.but here we can practice how to make senseable wors about different isues. we can study in forum too.
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok thank you for supporting us to improve these session
j.mehrabzadeh: Lets determine topic of next session now
hesse_gharib2009: we are together............u can count on me............be sure..........
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I thing we"d better to leave too.
hesse_gharib2009: shah determine a grammer topic..........
hesse_gharib2009: and then you can go...........with Manger oermission
j.mehrabzadeh: I want topic detremine right now
hesse_gharib2009: sorry ...permission
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause
j.mehrabzadeh: cause i can write that to community
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: free discussion is a good topic! I vote for it!
hesse_gharib2009: free disscussion................happy memories
hesse_gharib2009: SHAME ON YOU SHAH
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: why?
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause..............free disscussion................happy memories
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok free disscusion is good but what about exactly?
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause..............free disscussion................happy memories
j.mehrabzadeh: It is more important
hesse_gharib2009: what do u think Manager??? and dear Shah
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok i have a offer
j.mehrabzadeh: You dear hase gharib
hesse_gharib2009: AN OFFER>>>>>>>>>
hesse_gharib2009: sorry............over
j.mehrabzadeh: you be our tutor in next session
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: we can talk about particular situation and our reactions in that situations.
hesse_gharib2009: i agree with shah.but i can"t get you manager
j.mehrabzadeh: Please allow me one minute
j.mehrabzadeh: No you jast be our tutor
j.mehrabzadeh: no manager
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: he offers you to be tutor(or maybe manager) in next session.
j.mehrabzadeh: you learn us about Granner please
j.mehrabzadeh: And we have another manager
j.mehrabzadeh: ok?
j.mehrabzadeh: Grammer is correct
j.mehrabzadeh: Do you agree?
j.mehrabzadeh: hese gharib ?
hesse_gharib2009: i will share what ever i know with you dear friends...............you be the manager .you have invented or discovered these conference
j.mehrabzadeh: You can be online next week
hesse_gharib2009: i hope i can be............but i will try to send you a file containig grammer points.to be used if i was not succesful
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok thats good.
j.mehrabzadeh: so thanks
hesse_gharib2009: THank u both....
j.mehrabzadeh: so you send me a text to same ID
hesse_gharib2009: i was happy to talk to you........
hesse_gharib2009: ok i will.............try
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: me too!
j.mehrabzadeh: And i introduce you as Tutor of next session
j.mehrabzadeh: ok?
j.mehrabzadeh: Agree ?
hesse_gharib2009: FINISH MANAGER????don"t forget praying for us.......EQUALLY
hesse_gharib2009: u plz be the manager
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: more for me!!!(i"m jealous!)
hesse_gharib2009: you r older and more experienced
j.mehrabzadeh: No shah is some more
hesse_gharib2009: beimg jelous is not goooooooooooooooooooooood
hesse_gharib2009: ooh .how old r u shah??
j.mehrabzadeh: Wait one mintue
j.mehrabzadeh: Dont go
hesse_gharib2009: ok
nikadel_19931 has joined the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh: We have a guss
hesse_gharib2009: oooooooooooooooops toooooooooo soooooooooooooon
hesse_gharib2009: salaam
hesse_gharib2009: hi nick
j.mehrabzadeh: Hi dear nikadel Why so much late?
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: curiosity killed th cat.hess!
hesse_gharib2009: it kills cats not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nikadel_19931: hi
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: cats have 9 lives but you have only one!!!(be carefull)
nikadel_19931 has left the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok My dear friend
hesse_gharib2009: he came and left?????
hesse_gharib2009: i have more than 9..............
j.mehrabzadeh: I am glad to meet you
hesse_gharib2009: i am a devil
j.mehrabzadeh: ?? ???? ????
hesse_gharib2009: GOOd night...pleased to meet you.wish you lots of bests ...........and ?????? ???
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Ok. it"s already midnight we can talk about your lives later! let"s farewell
j.mehrabzadeh: of course you and shah is professional but almost every one in community have problem with english language
hesse_gharib2009: yes and we all can help eachother to improve
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: and we are not serious enough( I think)
hesse_gharib2009: it is our aim.............over
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok please
j.mehrabzadeh: i have this issu too
hesse_gharib2009: so how can we make oters serious???...over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I"m not a pro. I"m at most an intermediate!
hesse_gharib2009: others
j.mehrabzadeh: and i offer to dear researcher to take a link from community to homepage of Tebyan
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: they themselves must understand that how important it is to improve their skills in english.
hesse_gharib2009: but you are good....we all can became better if we try harder
hesse_gharib2009: RIGHT.....................OVER
hesse_gharib2009: ANy thing to be disscussed???my dear Manager??
hesse_gharib2009: o you live in mashhad dear j??
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: I am so absent because i am too late in typing
j.mehrabzadeh: Yes i live in mashad now
j.mehrabzadeh: over
hesse_gharib2009: so please pray for us while yopu go to holy shrine..i missed imam reza(pbuh) tooo much
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: pray for me more than him!
hesse_gharib2009: noooooooooooooooooooooooooo me mooooooooooooooooooor
j.mehrabzadeh: sure you can sure about it. with all of my soal for all
hesse_gharib2009: where do u live shah??
hesse_gharib2009: over
hesse_gharib2009: SORRY YOU CAN BE SURE
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I live in craziness desert!!!
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: ????? ????
j.mehrabzadeh: What????????
hesse_gharib2009: it goes with you............
hesse_gharib2009: no..seriously??
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: presently in teh.
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
j.mehrabzadeh: I imagine your face so much hot shah .............
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I mean ????? ????(???????)dear j.
hesse_gharib2009: do you believe one of our teacher said our universoity was a mental hospital before???
j.mehrabzadeh: Where is this city exactly??????????
hesse_gharib2009: how will you feel if you were in my shoes???
j.mehrabzadeh: Oh no
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Tehran.j.
j.mehrabzadeh: thats to bad
j.mehrabzadeh: too bad
hesse_gharib2009: TRible actually.....................
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: that"s a very bad place. It"s a prison for us!
j.mehrabzadeh: You must be with spirit in class
hesse_gharib2009: oooooh with alot of ghosts
j.mehrabzadeh: Whats the name of your mantal university ?
hesse_gharib2009: ...........those who have committed suicide...........
hesse_gharib2009: KHOD COSHI KARDAND
hesse_gharib2009: NAME NEVER MATTERS...........dear j
hesse_gharib2009: well................dear J manager what shall we do now???
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: oh no! my dear followers. they were made to commit suicide!
hesse_gharib2009: who??? shah??
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: You know we have some especial disscusion tonight
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: the mental pacients!
j.mehrabzadeh: i am conten almost
hesse_gharib2009: was it useful for you both??
hesse_gharib2009: for me it was nice............at last i could be in your conference.................our conference actually
j.mehrabzadeh: But i dont know how we can improve these session ?
hesse_gharib2009: over
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: It was so much better than last session!
hesse_gharib2009: well............i guss we should divide our time...
j.mehrabzadeh: Sure . i am so happy heard this
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: we have actually discussed and all of us participated.
j.mehrabzadeh: We divide it in first session
hesse_gharib2009: for example 15 min for Grammer based topics and 15 mins for free disscussions
hesse_gharib2009: where u said nothing about it
hesse_gharib2009: over
hesse_gharib2009: sorry you said ..............over
j.mehrabzadeh: If you see text og session one
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: learning issues can be said in forum. here we"d better to discuss about other things. don"t make it a classroom.
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: over
hesse_gharib2009: you don"t like studying shah?????????????over
j.mehrabzadeh: Yes you know the topic of recant session was "Te be verbs"
j.mehrabzadeh: But it wasn"t so much useful
hesse_gharib2009: may i leave this conference manager???its getting late...
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I like studying.but here we can practice how to make senseable wors about different isues. we can study in forum too.
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok thank you for supporting us to improve these session
j.mehrabzadeh: Lets determine topic of next session now
hesse_gharib2009: we are together............u can count on me............be sure..........
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: I thing we"d better to leave too.
hesse_gharib2009: shah determine a grammer topic..........
hesse_gharib2009: and then you can go...........with Manger oermission
j.mehrabzadeh: I want topic detremine right now
hesse_gharib2009: sorry ...permission
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause
j.mehrabzadeh: cause i can write that to community
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: free discussion is a good topic! I vote for it!
hesse_gharib2009: free disscussion................happy memories
hesse_gharib2009: SHAME ON YOU SHAH
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: why?
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause..............free disscussion................happy memories
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok free disscusion is good but what about exactly?
hesse_gharib2009: GRAMMER:CLause..............free disscussion................happy memories
j.mehrabzadeh: It is more important
hesse_gharib2009: what do u think Manager??? and dear Shah
hesse_gharib2009: over
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok i have a offer
j.mehrabzadeh: You dear hase gharib
hesse_gharib2009: AN OFFER>>>>>>>>>
hesse_gharib2009: sorry............over
j.mehrabzadeh: you be our tutor in next session
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: we can talk about particular situation and our reactions in that situations.
hesse_gharib2009: i agree with shah.but i can"t get you manager
j.mehrabzadeh: Please allow me one minute
j.mehrabzadeh: No you jast be our tutor
j.mehrabzadeh: no manager
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: he offers you to be tutor(or maybe manager) in next session.
j.mehrabzadeh: you learn us about Granner please
j.mehrabzadeh: And we have another manager
j.mehrabzadeh: ok?
j.mehrabzadeh: Grammer is correct
j.mehrabzadeh: Do you agree?
j.mehrabzadeh: hese gharib ?
hesse_gharib2009: i will share what ever i know with you dear friends...............you be the manager .you have invented or discovered these conference
j.mehrabzadeh: You can be online next week
hesse_gharib2009: i hope i can be............but i will try to send you a file containig grammer points.to be used if i was not succesful
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok thats good.
j.mehrabzadeh: so thanks
hesse_gharib2009: THank u both....
j.mehrabzadeh: so you send me a text to same ID
hesse_gharib2009: i was happy to talk to you........
hesse_gharib2009: ok i will.............try
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: me too!
j.mehrabzadeh: And i introduce you as Tutor of next session
j.mehrabzadeh: ok?
j.mehrabzadeh: Agree ?
hesse_gharib2009: FINISH MANAGER????don"t forget praying for us.......EQUALLY
hesse_gharib2009: u plz be the manager
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: more for me!!!(i"m jealous!)
hesse_gharib2009: you r older and more experienced
j.mehrabzadeh: No shah is some more
hesse_gharib2009: beimg jelous is not goooooooooooooooooooooood
hesse_gharib2009: ooh .how old r u shah??
j.mehrabzadeh: Wait one mintue
j.mehrabzadeh: Dont go
hesse_gharib2009: ok
nikadel_19931 has joined the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh: We have a guss
hesse_gharib2009: oooooooooooooooops toooooooooo soooooooooooooon
hesse_gharib2009: salaam
hesse_gharib2009: hi nick
j.mehrabzadeh: Hi dear nikadel Why so much late?
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: curiosity killed th cat.hess!
hesse_gharib2009: it kills cats not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nikadel_19931: hi
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: cats have 9 lives but you have only one!!!(be carefull)
nikadel_19931 has left the conference.
j.mehrabzadeh: Ok My dear friend
hesse_gharib2009: he came and left?????
hesse_gharib2009: i have more than 9..............
j.mehrabzadeh: I am glad to meet you
hesse_gharib2009: i am a devil
j.mehrabzadeh: ?? ???? ????
hesse_gharib2009: GOOd night...pleased to meet you.wish you lots of bests ...........and ?????? ???
shah_e_shoorideh_saran: Ok. it"s already midnight we can talk about your lives later! let"s farewell

One is never too old to learn .

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