The doctor now examines Mr. Peters
DOCTOR: Would you hold your wrist, please. Let"s see... well, your pulse is regular.
MR. PETERS:Thank you.
DOCTOR: Now for your blood pressure.... just fix this around you here, like that...now... then....
MR. PETERS: Is it normal?
DOCTOR: No, it isn"t. Your blood pressure is quite high.
MR. PETERS: Really?
DOCTOR: is there anyone in your family with high blood pressure that you know of?
MR. PETERS: My uncle had it for years. I don"t recall that bothered him much, although he did have a stroke a few years ago. That won"t happen to me, will it?
DOCTOR: No. Right, then. Let"s finish the rest of the examination and then we"ll check the pressure again. Would you sit up a bit more for me, so I can listen to your heart. That"s fine. Breathe in... Breathe out.... hold it... breathe away. Now, would you turn on your left side, please. Good, Lie right out..... okay. sit up again, please. Lean forward. Breathe away quitely through your mouth. Say ninety nine.
MR. PETERS: Ninety nine.
DOCTOR: A couple of times more.
MR. PETERS: Ninety nine, ninety nine, ninety nine.
DOCTOR: Good, just one or two other things, then, and we"ll have a look at that blood pressure again.
(The doctor completes his examination)
MR. PETERS: How is it now, doctor?
DOCTOR: Still high. I can"t find anything else wrong. It may be that the high blood pressure caused your nosebleed.
MR. PETERS: What are you going to do for me?
DOCTOR: Check your blood and urine. Then, We"ll send you up to the hospital for a chest X-ray and a cardiogram.
....to be continued
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