hi .freind`s how are you.what do you think about this sentense
کل آیتم ها 7
yes I am agree with you
I do agree with the essence of that and have many samples in my mind, Einstein, is the boldest one that i ever heard about. people around him thought he is a complete idiot! by the way i remember an animation about that great man who discovered electricity, Edison, he was fired from school due to his foolish questions in the classroom and the teacher has refused to have him among the other normal students!
“Agree” is a verb, so if you want to apply it, you may say: “I agree with …” or if you want to emphasize on how much extent you agree with the statement, you can say: “I DO agree whit …”, anyhow, “I AM agree” is wrong.
تنت به ناز طبيبان نيازمند مباد
it is god who cures
مدير انجمن بهداشت و سلامت