سه شنبه 13 آذر 1403 - 29 جمادي الاول 1446 - 3 دسامبر 2024
تبیان، دستیار زندگی
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صفحه اصلی تبیان
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فروشگاه اینترنتی
No Deceit in Advancing Political Goals
Unlike many political leaders of the world who embark on any mischievous act to win in political games, Imam Ali (A.S) never did such so. “In these days the ignorant call it excellence of cunning. One who has been through thick and thin of life finds ...
Politics and Religion
Many believe that when someone enters the turbulent scene of politics and state management he has to ignore some ethical rules and principles in order to be able to manage the society in the best possible way. They argue that ...
Imam Ali: Voice of Justice
Generally there are two approaches to politics: politics minus ethics, which is also known as Machiavellian politics; and ethical politics which is Islamic in which ...
An Important Question from the Advocates of Human Rights
Today, centuries after the advent of Islam, when the story of Imam Ali’s justice – even in treating his enemies – echoes in the history of mankind, there comes a question to the mind: What is the real human right? ...
Rights of the People Defeated in War
Many sublime concepts existed in Islam since its advent. These concepts include the human rights, human dignity, freedom, social equity, legitimate right of security and defense, social security, ...
Human Rights in Islam: Fair Treatment of Enemy
In the Battle of Jamal, when the people of Basra were defeated and escaped away, the soldiers of Islam followed them. Amidst the fight and flee a pregnant woman from Basra was struggling hard to escape. She fell on the ground and ...
Fair Treatment of Enemy in Alavi Teachings
After the Battle of Jamal and the escape of the people of Basra, Imam Ali (A.S) granted general amnesty while in all wars of those days, the victorious commanders considered ...
Imam Ali’s Rules in Fighting Enemies
Some of these rights are related to observing the rights of the enemy. In this regard, Imam Ali (A.S) instructed his soldiers to observe the following recommendations before any war with the enemies: ...
From Alavi Human Rights to Western Human Rights
For those even with limited information about Islam and Islamic history it is clear that “human rights” in view of Islam is not merely a passive and comparative issue. Today, we are not starting a discussion to present a ...
Perfection: Enemy of Progress?
Shaitan is one tricky dude. He whispers in our ear to finish watching this TV show and do our prayers after its over. He goads us to say things about people behind their backs. He and his minions will do the ...
Tawassul - Seeking a Way unto Allah (Part 6)
Ibn Taymiyyah, despite his extreme and biased approach for prohibiting tawassul, has admitted, this is a controversial issue and to accuse of heresy those who make tawassul is haram and is a sinful act, since ...
Requirements of Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt (Part 2)
It is noteworthy that man’s love for Ahl-ul-Bayt will lead to their love for him too. Even if love for Ahl-ul-Bayt has no other blessing, it will cause their love for him. So which asset is more valuable than this? Imam Sadiq (A.S) has reported: ...
Tawassul - Seeking a Way unto Allah (Part 5)
Another claim put forward by the Salafiyyah is that, on the basis of evidences tawassul to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his lifetime is acceptable but ...
Requirements of Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt (Part 1)
Ahl-ul-Bayt are not in need of superficial love; rather, they require love which has its medium with it so as to reveal its amazing signs. Here are some requirements of the love for Ahl-ul-Bayt: ...
Tawassul - Seeking a Way unto Allah (Part 4)
Another reason put forward by the Salafiyyah such as Muhammad Rashid Rida on non-permissibility of tawassul to the Prophet (PBUH) after his death is that ...
Signs of Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt
Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt is not only a sign of Allah’s love for man but it is also a sign of other truths as follow: First: Based on several narrations, love for Ahl-ul-Bayt is a ...
The Value of Certainty
Certainty or conviction is a valuable capital which is given to only few people. Anybody possessing this enjoys great prosperity. Imam Reza (A.S) has stated: ...
The Importance of Congregation Prayer (Jamaat Namaaz)
Salat al-Jamaatat means praying in congregation, with one person leading. The Person who leads is called the Imam, while those who follow him are called the Mamum or Mamumin (plural). As for the daily prayers, the minimum amount of people needed is ...
Tawassul - Seeking a Way unto Allah (Part 3)
In the opinion of Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah and later Hanbali scholars tawassul to the person of the Prophet (PBUH) himself is not permissible. Tawassul has three concepts, of which two are ...
Requirements of Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt (Part 3)
Immunity from sliding on the Sirat is a result of loving Ahl-ul-Bayt. The Holy Prophet has said: ...
Love of Ahl-ul-Bayt is needed for ones happiness
We who are strongly in need of Allah’s mercy, favor and special attention must choose a path the final stage of which is Allah’s pleasure hence Paradise. In order to win Allah’s favor, we need mediation to find the truth. Based on Qur’anic verses, this ..
Disadvantages of Stinginess
Stinginess stands for the abstention from giving in situations of generosity. It is the opposite of generosity and among the mean features that cause humility, hatred, and disgrace. Islam has censured and warned the Muslims strongly against ...
Tawassul - Seeking a Way unto Allah (Part 2)
The jurist Abu Yusuf relates from his teacher Abu Hanifah that it is not right for anyone to call Allah except through (the Names and Attributes) Allah, since He says ...
No Prophet Would Come After Him
When Allah made Muhammad (PBUH) Prophet, He designated him as the Last Prophet. For this reason, from the very beginning of his mission! The Prophet of Allah told the people that he was the last of the prophets, and that ...
The Philosophy and Secrets of Prayer (Part 4)
After the heart of the worshipper turns to the greatness of the Divinity and Lordship, and to His Beneficence, Compassion, Favour and Justice, he perceives that other than Allah is not worthy of worship. Thus, he ...
Tawassul - Seeking a Way unto Allah (Part 1)
“O you who believe! Fear Allah and seek an approach unto Him...” (5:35). Over the last few centuries, the Muslims have been wracked by severe discord and hostility over the issue of tawassul (beseeching or supplicating) to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the ...
Respect for the Mosque
It should be remembered that Allah has termed the Mosques as his homes. Therefore, they are places where people can seek nearness to Allah. Otherwise, Allah is not restricted to any home or place. In comparison with other places, the mosque has ...
Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S), introduced the savior of humanity
Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S) has said: There are two characteristics, which surpass all others: having faith in Allah, and benefiting ones brothers (in faith). One of the major responsibilities of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S), for which he endeavored ...
The End of Darkness (Part 4)
For such an expectation it is necessary to have an exact knowledge of the promised figure. So that we could not mistake him with the dolls of the puppet-shows of the powers that sing a new song every day in order to ...
Comparison of Muslim and Christian Prayers
We will mention some examples of Christian worship in comparison with what we have mentioned about Islamic worship. The Bible says: And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will ...
Allama Iqbal and Imam Hussein (Part 3)
Iqbal explains that Hussein in Karbala is the true construal of Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail’s episode, which in fact was only a prelude to the epitome of sacrifice that was wrought in Karbala by the progeny of Prophet Muhammad with its blood. As we ...
The Philosophy and Secrets of Prayer (Part 3)
After the first verse, the worshipper reads: All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. Thus, he ...
Allama Iqbal and Imam Hussein (Part 2)
While the sand of Iraq is avidly looking forward to kiss Hussein’s feet, the land of Hijaz is miserable because Hussein is departing from it. Iqbal movingly describes the fields of Hijaz as thirsty as an ...
The Philosophy and Secrets of Prayer (Part 2)
The worshipper then begins his speech with Allah, the Exalted. The prayer is the word of man with Allah while the Qur’an is the Word of Allah with man. However, man starts his ...
The End of Darkness (Part 3)
The Shia expectation is one which rouses ardour and motivation, and gives hope and life. It is this hope that has not only helped the dynamic Shia society to proceed in its motion in spite of ...
Allama Iqbal and Imam Hussein (Part 1)
Iqbal’s range, quality, and quantity are truly impressive. Apart from Urdu, he also wrote prodigiously in Persian and is regarded as one of the most important poets of modern India. In addition to his indubitable genius as a poet, Iqbal is also ...
Characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s Government
Imam Mahdi’s reappearance is the day of endless torment for unbelievers while it is happiness and mercy for virtuous believers. In that era, people’s heart will turn ...
Features of Imam Mahdi’s Government
After his reappearance, Imam Mahdi (AJ) invites people who are sick of oppression, injustice and wickedness to embrace three principles of Unity, Prophecy and Imamate. According to the narrations, during his era, education will be ...
Reappearance of Imam Mahdi
Imam Mahdi is a divine figure who is on occultation and will reappear at the end times to establish justice in the world. He will establish a just government and will prepare the grounds for man’s perfection in all dimensions. There are many ...
The End of Darkness (Part 2)
Most thinkers and reformers believe that the only solution for putting the present world in order is the establishment of a single world government based on justice. Undoubtedly in order to check ...
Martyrdom of the suckling child (Ali al Asghar)
His mother was Rabab, the daughter of Imru al Qays bin Adi. Sayyid Ibn Tawoos says that when Imam Hussein (A.S) saw the corpses of his youth and friends, he resolved to be martyred, and called out, ...
Qasim Ibn Hassan, The Adolescent Warrior Who Sacrificed His Life in Defense of Religion
Among the famed warriors of Imam Hussein (A.S) whose names would remain alive till the end of the world is the son of our second Imam Hassan (A.S), Qasim Ibn Hassan. According to traditions he had not even reached ...
The End of Darkness (Part 1)
It seems as if pain and torture are born with man, for, he has never been free from them throughout history. The apparently sweet moments of life, too, have been so brief that before tasting their pleasure, he has paid ...
The Philosophy and Secrets of Prayer (Part 1)
In this concise book we cannot discuss the philosophy and secrets of the Branches of Faith. The Branches of Faith are Divine rules and laws for ...
Hazrat Abbas (A.S), The Most Luminous Personality Of The Youths Of Bani Hashim
Abul Fazl Abbas was the most prominent young man of the Bani Hashim. He was the standard bearer of the Imam’s force. He is the epitome of loyalty and his name would ...
Hazrat Abulfazl and Politeness
Politeness is a trait which is highly recommended in Islam. There are many traditions on politeness in Islamic texts. There are also many figures who are considered as examples of politeness. But Hazrat Abbas is a ...
Examples of Politeness of Hazrat Abulfazl (A.S)
It is narrated that Hazrat Abulfazl Al-Abbas (A.S) never sat next to Imam Hussein (A.S) without permission; he asked for permission and when he was allowed, he sat very politely. (1) Hazrat Abulfazl Al-Abbas (A.S) sometimes ...
Hazrat Abulfazl’s Characteristics
One of the sublime virtues of man in Islam is politeness, particularly being polite and nice to elderly, great men, and holy things or persons in all aspects of life because this trait ...
Hazrat Abbas (A.S) in Hazrat Mahdi‘s viewpoint
The great peacemaker, Imam of the Time, Hazrat Mahdi (AJ), Al-Qaim of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Household, describes his uncle, Abbas (A.S) as follows: “Peace be unto Abulfazl, Abbas Ibn Amir Al-Mo’menan, the great sympathizer of ...
Hazrat Abulfazl in Ahl-ul-Bayt’s Viewpoint:Hazrat Abbas (A.S) in Imam Sadiq’s Perspective: (Part 2)
One of the distinctive characteristics of Hazrat Abbas (A.S) was his strong and firm faith. One of the sings of his strong faith was his ...