Aslandooz Graveyard, MoqanKarjan Graveyard, ArdabilOnar Graveyard, Meshkin Shahr Other Old Graveyards, ArdabilAslandooz Graveyard, MoqanAt a proximity to Aslandooz in Moqan, there are graveyards dating back to the 1st millennium before Islam. In the vast plain of Moqan there are also graveyards which mostly belong to the 1st millennium BC. An example is the graveyard near Germi (i.e. Cidlar) with designed bricks.
Karjan Graveyard, ArdabilLocated west of the Karjan Kalkhoran Village, it contains a few tombstones designed in the Islamic style. This graveyard dates back to about the 6 - 8th centuries AH.
Onar Graveyard, Meshkin ShahrOnar Graveyard Meshkin Shahr
This graveyard is located in the Onar Village, 24 km. from Meshkin Shahr. It has a diversity of tombstones including some with the design of a star or other decorations. In this graveyard several historical objects have been found.
Other Old Graveyards, ArdabilA Public Graveyard (Meshkin Shahr)
A Public Graveyard (Meshkin Shahr)
Among other historical graveyards of the province Sham Asbi Graveyard can be pointed out.