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  • 9/3/2014

Laziness in Offering Prayers

islamic prayer

Laziness in offering mandatory prayers is a trait of the hypocrites. Mu'min should not be tardy about offering prayers and should fulfill this obligation with humility and fear of Allah.

Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) has said that when one thinks of performing a good deed, then he should hasten to accomplish it; lest Satan diverts his mind and the deed is not done!

Dedication of Heart in Prayer

Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) has said, "Abstain from two habits: Losing interest in performing tasks and shirking from doing work."

Losing interest in work would curb ones instinct of patience and being lazy will give him the feeling of not abiding by his legitimate duty.

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) has said: O Abu Dharr! Offering two genuflections of prayer with full dedication is better than praying the whole night with no dedication of the heart. O Abu Dharr! Truth is more valuable and bitter while falsehood is light and sweet.

Many a time a moment's carnal desire becomes the cause of retribution in the Hereafter.

Man cannot become wise and jurisprudent till he doesn't visualize men as camels in comparison with the greatness and omnipotence of Allah. When he pays attention to himself, then he would realize that he is the most inferior.

O Abu Dharr! You will not realize the value of faith till you recognize that all men are wise in the matters of faith.

Every person is flattered with sycophancy although he knows well that whatever the flatterer says is sheer lies.

It must be borne in the mind that thoughtlessness is of two types. One category is good and the other is bad. The one thoughtlessness is that a person thinks that all profit and loss accrued is according to the wish of Allah. He doesn't give credence to what others think about his changed status. He generally doesn't bother about what others think when he decides to do something to please Allah.

This status is reached when the person has understood the Greatness of Allah. The bad type of thoughtlessness is due to pride and prejudice. Such persons consider others inferior to them and become oblivious of their own failings. At the time of prayer such persons don't bother about others. They consider others as sheer camels tantamount to being animals. Then he said: While introspecting, consider oneself humble. A person who tries to please someone in power contrary to the dictates of Allah, he will render himself an apostate.

Amir'ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (A.S) says, "The person is a deserter of the Faith who, in order to please men, disobeys the Commandments of the Creator.

 Never displease Allah to please mortals. Don't acquire nearness to people by deeds that take you away from Allah. There is no way of achieving Rewards from Allah other than implicitly obeying Him." Obedience to Allah is the route to success and deliverance. Allah guards the obedient from all evil. The disobedient cannot protect himself from Allah's Retribution. When the time comes, such persons shall have no place to run to.

Then the Imam (A.S) said "Protect yourself from the reproach of those who have reason to reproach. Allah will save you from the deceit of the enemies."

Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) says, "A person who rates a mu'min inferior, Allah always deems him inferior."

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) has said: A mu'min should always contemplate in his own conscience and remember that one day he will have to render account of his deeds. It is better he straightens his account today only, lest he repents tomorrow!

It is narrated from Imam Musa al-Kadhim (A.S) through authentic source that "A person who doesn't introspect his own actions every day is not from amongst us."

Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) has said, "If a person notices good in himself, he should pray to Allah that his good deeds enhance. If he finds that he has committed some bad deeds, he should seek the forgiveness of Allah."

Amir'ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (A.S) says, "Obtain sustenance from your own conscience. Be grateful to receive sustenance in good health before you fall ill and in youth instead of doing it when you are old and weak."

Don't rate a thing low that can bring you reward on the Day of Reckoning. Don't also belittle the thing that might bring you Retribution on that Day. Remember, the things about which Allah has warned, have to be always borne in mind.

Amir'ul-Mu'mineen ‘Ali (A.S), as a part of his final testament, told to Imam Hassan (A.S), "O son! There are three moments for a mu'min. In one moment he supplicates to his Creator. In the second he draws a balance of his deeds and in the third he draws pleasure for his good deeds and offers thanks to Allah."

He also said, "One who searches the aberrations of his conscience and doesn't remove them, and gets overwhelmed with desires, would rather die."

Imam Zain-ul-'Abidin (A.S) says, "O son of Adam (A.S)! As long as your own conscience is your preacher (and reformer) your actions will remain good. When you attain this status, make fear of Allah your habit. Wear the raiment of sorrow and penitence. O son of Adam (A.S)! You are destined to die! You will be raised again to render account before Allah! Prepare now for that day!"

Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) has said that before you are asked to give the account (of your deeds), audit the account yourself!

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) has said: O Abu Dharr! Modesty in front of Allah is compulsory. If you are particular of entry to the Heaven, then save your eyes, ears, tongue and thoughts from acts of sin. Being modest with Allah means abstaining from evil and not committing sins.

Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) has said, "Modesty and faith are always together. Modesty is the part and parcel of faith and so is the faith of modesty. If there is no modesty, there is no faith!"

A tradition of the Prophet (PBUH): If four traits are present in a person, the Hellfire is taboo on him even if he sinned no end. These traits are:

• Truthfulness.

• Humility

• Good manners

• Thankfulness.

Source: Ain-al-Hayat, By: Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi

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