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  • 2/10/2014

What Are the Health Benefits of Ginger, Lemon, & Honey Tea?

ginger- lemon- honey- tea

Lemon, honey and ginger tea is often used as an alternative or in addition to modern medication for the cold and flu. Each of the ingredients has unique medicinal qualities and when they are combined, they create a soothing tea that can relieve symptoms and boost the immune system. Lemon, ginger, honey tea can also provide health benefits for those not suffering from a cold or flu. It’s very simple to prepare. All you need is as follow:

Your ingredients:

· Ginger root, 6 slices un-peeled

· 500 ml or 2 cups of water

· Lemon juice

· honey

1. Slice the ginger root and don’t peel, only cut away any bruised areas. Add the water and the ginger to a pot and over medium heat bring to a boil. Boil until the water has turned a light brown color, this will take about 15-20 minutes. Next squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the tea. The amount of juice is up to you, or how lemony you want it to taste. Mix the juice and tea and let it boil for another 3 minutes.

2. The honey can either be added to the tea in the pot or you can add it to a tea cup and pour in the ginger tea. The amount again is up to you and how sweet you want it. You can also strain the tea before you serve.

An optional small serving suggestion is to add a thinly slice piece of lemon and ginger, or just serve warm and enjoy.

Heart-Health Benefits

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a few preliminary studies suggest that ginger may help prevent blood clotting and reduce cholesterol. This can help fight heart disease, in which blood vessels become clogged and lead to stroke or heart attack. However, more studies are needed to confirm whether ginger is effective for heart disease or not.

Nausea and Vomiting Relief

Nausea refers to the sensation of having an urge to vomit, while vomiting refers to the spitting up of the contents of the stomach. They are not diseases, but rather symptoms of different conditions.

Ginger may help prevent or treat vomiting and nausea from cancer chemotherapy, pregnancy and motion sickness. It is also used to reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis and alleviate an upset stomach.

Antimicrobial and Wound Healing Properties

Honey exhibits skin healing and antiseptic properties. Antimicrobial agents found in honey help prevent infections by eliminating bacteria in and around wounds. Many types of bacteria cannot live in honey so wounds heal, swelling calms down and tissue can grow back. Due to its ability to attract water, honey helps rehydrate dry skin. It can also help relieve sunburn pain and accelerate the healing process.

Antioxidant Benefits

When added to tea, lemon juice can provide many health benefits. Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin which helps heal wounds and repair and maintain bones and teeth. As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps fight rogue molecules called free radicals that damage DNA and may contribute to the development of health problems, including cancer, arthritis and heart disease. According to the UMMC, studies suggest that vitamin C may help boost immune system function.

Lemons contain bioflavonoids that help maintain adequate levels of vitamin C in every cell of your body.

More Benefits of Honey

A predigested sugar, honey helps people who have poor digestion or lack the two digestive enzymes, invertase and amylase, writes Vijaya Kumar, author of the book "The Secret Benefits of Lemon and Honey: Secret Guides.”‌ Invertase enzyme splits sucrose into its component parts, glucose and fructose, while amylase aids in the digestion of carbohydrates. Furthermore, honey scores over sugars which contain high amounts of dextrose, since it prevents the elevation of blood pressure. Glucose present in honey helps restore the oxygen replaced by lactic acid when fatigue sets in.

Adding honey to your tea can also provide you with antioxidant polyphenolic compounds that have been associated with a reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.





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