Children; Big Blessing of God
Indeed in the messenger of Allah there is the best of examples''
So there is the best of example for us to learn from our Prophet’s (PBUH) mercy towards children in particular.
The Prophet, PBUH, was known of being very kind and affectionate towards children. He used to carry them, kiss them, and even weep when they died. He used to instruct his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, to be kind to them, choose good names for them when they are born, and bring them up well. The children also used to love the Prophet (PBUH) to the extent that Zayd Ibn Haarithah preferred living with him than living with his parents.
He (PBUH) was very kind to children and loved them very much. One day, he placed his two grandchildren, Hassan (A.S) and Hussein (A.S), on his lap and began kissing and cuddling them. A man who was passing by saw what the Prophet (PBUH) was doing, and became very surprised. ''I have ten children,'' he said .And I have not kissed even one of them. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) heard what this hard-hearted man said and became very annoyed. ''I do not think this man will attain paradise, he said.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) loved children. He used to carry them on his shoulders. The children would become very happy and laugh. The Prophet, too, would become happy at the pure happiness and laughter of the children and a smile would appear on his face. Our Holy Prophet used to give his salam to children and would tell his companions:
''I give my salam to children and respect them, and Muslims should follow my behaviour and always be warm and loving with children.''
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to speak about children – boys and girls – and say:
''O Muslims, O father and mother, O my followers, be kind and compassionate towards children, for someone who is not kind to children has no place amongst the Muslims.''
Our Holy Prophet was kind to children and became happy at their pure and innocent laughter.
All of the Prophet’s sons died. Ibrahim, his last son, died in infancy. The Prophet often visited his son before the latter’s death, although he was very busy. Ibrahim was looked after by a nurse. The Prophet would kiss and play with him before returning home.
When Ibrahim took his last breaths, the Prophet could not control his grief as tears were flowing from his eyes.
The Messenger was completely balanced in the way he brought up his children. He loved his children and grandchildren very much, and instilled love in them. However, he never let his love for them be abused. None of them deliberately dared to do anything wrong. If they made an unintentional mistake, the Messenger’s protection prevented them from going even slightly astray. He did this by wrapping them in love and an aura of dignity. For example, once Hassan or Hussein wanted to eat a date meant for distribution among the poor as alms. The Messenger immediately took it from his hand, and said ''Anything given as alms is forbidden to us.''
Whenever he returned to Medina, he would carry children on his mount. On such occasions, the Messenger embraced not only his grandchildren but also those in his house and those nearby. He conquered their hearts through his compassion. He loved all children.
He loved his granddaughter. He often went out with her on his shoulders, and even placed her on his shoulders while praying. When he prostrated, he put her down; when he had finished praying, he placed her on his back again.
The Prophet showed this degree of love to her to teach his male followers how to treat girls. This was a vital necessity; only a decade earlier, it had been the social norm to bury infant or young girls alive. Such public paternal affection for a granddaughter had never been seen before in Arabia.
Other links:
Some Ethical (Akhlaq) Points on Interacting with your Child (Part 5)
The Impacts of Environment on Children (Part 2)
How to Educate Our Children Regarding Religion