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  • Date :
  • 8/29/2004

Albert Heim


12 April 1849-31 August 1937)

Albert Heim was born inZurich and died there. It was already fascinated as a child of the mountains and joined already with 17 years Swiss alpine club.

InZurich and Berlin he studied natural sciences and taught later to the ETH and the University of Zurich than professor of geology. Albert Heim was a singular alpine researcher and geologist. He wrote the innovative work "geology of Switzerland", which is considered still today as basis for the understanding of the mountain structure ofSwitzerland. Also as glacier researchers it was highly respected with the "manual of the gletscherkunde" among experts.

Albert Heim held numerous lectures in circles of the mountain friends and mountain climbers and became already 1888 honour member of the section Uto and 1891 of the total AC. 1918 it in honours "Albert Heim hut" whether Realp was inaugurated.

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