Jeddah, March 5 (IINA)
The Jeddah-based Holy Qur’an Memorization Organization, an offshoot of the Makkah-based Muslim World League (MWL) has held its fifth Holy Qur’an Contest in Beirut, Lebanon. The contest had three levels: memorization of the entire Qur’an, memorizing 20 of its chapters, and memorizing ten of its chapters.
The function to award prizes to the winners was held under the auspices of the Mufti of Lebanon, Dr. Muhammad Rasheed Qabbani, and was attended by, among others, the secretary-general of the Holy Qur’an Memorization Organization, Dr. Abdullah Bisfir, and a number of Lebanese ministers and other political leaders.
Dr. Bisfir then outlined the functions of his organizations, and said that its activities encompass not less than 40 countries. He urged the parents of the students to encourage their children to continue their Qur’an Studies, and promised that his organization would meet their expenses for completing their university education.
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http://www.islamicnews.orgMadrid, March 5 (IINA)
The Holy Qur’an has been successfully translated into the Catalonian language of Spain by Dr. Michael de Iybalza, professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Elicante, who had also been professor at the University of Algiers and the University of Oran, in Algeria. In the translation of the Holy Qur’an into the Catalonian language, he enlisted the cooperation of specialists in that language and the Romanian language of Baktalan, which is spoken by not less than 10 million in Spain. It is also a language that is spoken in some parts of Italy and some parts of France as well.
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http://www.islamicnews.orgRabat,Mar 5 (IINA)
The Rabat-based Islamic Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) have published a book entitled “Learn Arabic: The ISESCO Teach Yourself Method.” The book is in two volumes and was prepared with the cooperation of the Islamic Center in Achen, Germany. Learning Arabic in English, French, Russian and Bosnian were previous publications of ISESCO on the same subject. The main objective of publishing the books is to enable the Muslim communities who live in these countries and who are confined to the languages of these countries to learn Arabic the easy way, so that they can maintain their Arab and Islamic identities. This would also enable them to learn the principles and practices of Islam in the Arabic language.
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http://www.islamicnews.orgMourning programs reach to zenith in Afghanistan
KABUL, Afghanistan: Majalis-e-Aza and processions are on climax in all cities and towns of Afghanistan to mourn the martyrs of Karbala who rendered invaluable and precious sacrifices for the elevation of Islam and protection of Muhammadan law. Addressing hundreds of mourners at Hoseini-e-Umi Mosque in the Fatimiya area of Afghan capital city of Kabul, the speakers said that Hazrat Imam Hosein (AS), grandson of the Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) departed Medinah to unveil the real face of Yazidiyat to the world. He sacrificed his everything in the way of Allah but did not bend his head in front of falsehood, oppression, sinfulness and impiety.
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