As I slept one night I saw this dream
Which further increased my vexation.
I dreamt I was somewhere on the way
Dark it was and impossible to find the way.
Trembling all over with fear I was
Difficult to take even a step with fear I was.
With some courage as I forward moved
I saw some boys lined in a nice array.
Dressed in emerald-like raiment they were
Carrying lighted lamps in their hands they were.
They were going quietly behind each other
No one knew where they were to go.
Involved in this thought was I
When in this group my son saw I.
He was walking at the back, and was not walking fast
The lamp he had in his hand was not lighted.
Recognizing him, I said ‘O My dear!
Where have you come leaving me there?
‘Restless due to separation I am
Weeping every day for ever I am.
‘You did not care even a little for me
What loyalty you showed, you left me’!
As the child saw the distress in me
He replied thus, turning around to me.
‘The separation from me makes you cry
Not least little good does this to me.’
He remained quiet for a while after talking
Showing me the lamp then he started talking.
‘Do you understand what happened to this?
Your tears have extinguished this!’