Ahadith narrated by members of the purified progeny of Holy Prophet (PBUH) about Imam Ali (A.S): part1
Yes, we will narrate to you consecutively reported ahadith with which the Sunnis are not familiar. These are narrated by members of the purified progeny of Muhammad (PBUH), of which we relate forty: [1]
1) Al-Saduq Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn al-Hussein ibn Babawayh alQummi has included in his book Ikmal adDin wa Itmam al-Ni`mah, as transmitted by `Abdul-Rahman ibn Samrah, one particular hadith in which the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, addresses `Abdul-Rahman thus: "O Abu Samrah! If views differ and opinions vary, then refer to `Ali ibn Abu Talib, for he is my nation's Imam, and my successor over them after me."
2) In the same reference, i.e. the Ikmal, al-Saduq quotes Ibn `Abbas narrating one hadith in which the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, says: "Allah, the Praised One and the Sublime, cast a scrutinizing look at the inhabitants of the earth and chose me from among them to be the Prophet, then he cast another look and chose `Ali as the Imam and commanded me to take him as my brother, and appoint him as the wali and vizier."
3) AlSaduq, also in the Ikmal, traces one hadith to Imam Sadiq (A.S) who quotes his father and ancestors citing the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, saying: "Gabriel has told me that the Lord of Power, exalted is His Greatness, has said: `Whoever comes to know that I am the Lord without any partner, and that Muhammad is my Servant and Messenger, that Ali ibn Abu Talib is Muhammad's successor, and that the Imams from his descendants are My Arguments, then I would let him enter Paradise through My Mercy.'"
4) Al-Saduq, also in his Ikmal, traces another hadith to Imam Sadiq (A.S) who quotes his father and grandfather citing the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, saying: "The Imams after me are twelve: The first is `Ali and the last is al-Qa'im [al-Mahdi]; they are my successors and the executors of my will."
5) Al-Saduq, also in his Ikmal, traces yet another hadith to al-Asbagh ibn Nabatah who says that the Commander of the Faithful `Ali ibn Abu Talib (A.S) once approached, his hand in the hand of his son al-Hassan, and said: "The Messenger of Allah once came to us and his hand was in mine like this, saying:`The best of creation after me, and their master, is this brother of mine who is the Imam of every Muslim, the prince of every believer after me.'"
[1] This much suffices due to the fact that we have narrated quite a few ahadith from sources such as the Commander of the Faithful `Ali ibn Abu Talib (A.S),`Abdullah ibn`Abbas,`Abdullah ibn Mas`ud,`Abdullah ibn `Umer, Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, Abul-Darda', Abu Hurayrah, Anas ibn Malik, Ma`ath ibn Jabal, quoting various sources, all stating that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, has said: "Whoever teaches my nation forty ahadith related to its faith, Allah will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment in the company of the faqihs and the learned." In another wording of the same hadith, "Allah will resurrect him as a learned faqih." According to Abul-Darda', the statement reads: "I will include him in my intercession on the Day of Judgment, and he shall be a witness." According to Ibn Mas`ud, "It will be said to him: `Enter Paradise from whichever gate you please.'" According to Ibn Umer's narration, "... he will be included with the men of knowledge, and be resurrected in the company of martyrs." "Allah will look after whoever listens to my statement, comprehends it and conveys it just as he heard it." And also his hadith: "Let those of you who witness [my Sunnah] convey it to those who are absent."
Al-Muraja'at by Allamah Seyyed 'Abd al-Hussein Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi
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Prophetic Texts Relating to Imamate of Imam Ali (A. S)