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  • Date :
  • 1/12/2013

On the Morn of Muharram

imam hussein (a.s)

Wake up my friends; for the morn of

Qiama has arrived

It is the month of Muharram

The crescent of grief has appeared

The month of mourning has arrived

Muharram is the month of tears

Muharram is the month of blood

Bodies are shredded

And the desert is a garden of blood

The crescent of grief has appeared

The month of mourning has arrived

The creation is sad and in mourning

It is the month:

When Hussein was martyred

When the eyes of 'Ali shed blood

The crescent of grief has appeared

The month of mourning has arrived

Hussein sacrificed for thee path of Islam

His head is on the spear

His body is on the ground

The crescent of grief has appeared

The month of mourning has arrived

The arms of 'Abbas were cut in this month

The three-edged arrow settled in the

parched throat of little Asghar

The crescent of grief has appeared

The month of mourning has arrived

Zeinab will hug the dust of thee dungeon

in this month

Thee innocent face of Sakina will be

Bruised in this month

The crescent of grief has appeared

The month of mourning has arrived.*


L. 2. Qiama: (correct form qimah) means the Resurrection Day.

L. 15. Ali refers to Imam Ali, the first Infallible Imam.

L. 23. Abbas refers to Abbas bin Ali, Imam Hussein's step- brother, who was martyred at the Karbala Battle on Ashura.

 L. 25. Asghar refers to Ali Asghar, Imam Hussein's six month baby.

L. 28. Zainab was Imam Hussein's sister.

L. 29. Sakina was Imam Hussein's beloved daughter.


Taken from: Ashura poems in English Compiled by Muhammad Reza Fakhr Rohani

Other links:

The Day of Ashura

Vale of Sorrow

Hussein of Karbala

The Night of Martyrdom

The Imam Bara

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