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  • Date :
  • 9/9/2012


The Ulema of Islamic Countries and The Hajj Worship

part 1


It is necessary for the learned (ulema) who convene at this congregation, from whatever country they might be, to enlighten the nations by issuing proclamations, prepared logically through exchange of views, and distribute them, at the land of revelation, among the Muslims, and later, upon return, to publish the same at home.

In their proclamations, they must require the heads of the Islamic countries, to set before their eyes, the objectives of Islam, abandon their differences and seek remedies for deliverance from the clutches of the imperialists.

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A well-disposed and valuable opportunity for the clergymen is the possibility of meeting the learned, the thinkers and the keen-sighted people of the Islamic countries, although the world imperialists, or, some government heads of Islamic countries are badly scared of such contacts and relations and try to prevent and control them, However, it has always been the wish of the Islamic Republic of Iran to make the best use of such a suitable occasion for the exchange of views and ideas, through sound programming, and to find solutions for the problems of the Islamic comunities.


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The   distinguished   ulema   and   honorable   orators   are   to enlighten the Muslims on the political aspects of their momentous duties.   The   important   duties   that,   if  carefully   heeded   and practiced, the glory that God has ordained for the pious believers will be gained, and the heavenly and Islamic honors achieved as deserved, and the Muslims will then, enjoy real independence, being in the grace of Islam and under the flag of monotheism and the banner of "No God but Allah", and will be able to cut the hands of tyrants off the Islamic countries.

It is very surprising that many clergymen and "ulema" of the Islamic countries are negligent of their important role and heavenly and historical mission at this era, when humankind is thirsty for spirituality and the resplendent precepts of Islam. They do not apprehend the thirst of the nations, and are ignorant of the anxieties of the communities and their desire for the values of revelation. They have belittled their spiritual power of influence, whereas, the clergymen, the orators and the Friday prayer leaders can bring the world under the Qur'anic domination by their unity, oneness, and responsibleness and perform their duty to enlighten and guide the people, at the present conditions of the dominion of garishly colored material world of sciences. Thus, they can preclude all this corruption, exploitation and disdain imposed on the Muslims and prevent the nestling of the little and big devils, particularly America, in the Islamic countries. They can also endeavor to study and publish the resplendent precepts of Islam rather than uttering and writing absurd and divisive suggestions, eulogizing the tyrant rulers, to make the oppressed developed cynicism with respect to the Islamic issues and creating discord among the Muslims. And by making full use of the limitless ocean of Muslim peoples, stabilize their own glory and the honor of the believers in Islam.


"Hajj In The Words and Messages of Imam Khomeini" book

Other Links:

Objectives Of Hajj

Introduction To Pilgrimage - Hajj

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