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  • Date :
  • 3/19/2012

Discover Apricot Health Benefits, the Golden fruit


The fruit, kernel (inner softer part of the seed), oil and flowers of the apricot have always been used in medicine and medical treatment from ancient days.

The kernel yields oil that is similar to that of the almond and is widely used for their sedative, anti-spasmodic relief to strained muscles.  It is also useful for healing of wounds, expelling worms and as a general health tonic.

Anemia: The high content of iron in apricot makes it an excellent food for anemia sufferers. The small but essential amount of copper in the fruit makes the iron available to the body. Liberal consumption of apricot can increase the production of hemoglobin in the body.

Constipation: The cellulose and pectin content in apricot is a gentle laxative and are effective in the treatment of constipation.  The insoluble cellulose acts as roughage which helps the bowel movement. 

Digestion: Take an apricot before meal to aid digestion, as it has an alkaline reaction in the digestive system.

Eyes/Vision: The high amount of vitamin A (especially when dried) is essential to maintain or improve eyesight.  Insufficiency of this vitamin can cause night blindness and impair sight.

Fever: Blend some honey and apricots with some mineral water and drink to cool down fevers.  It quenches the thirst and effectively eliminates the waste products from the body.

Skin Problem: Juice fresh apricot leaves and apply on scabies, eczema, sun-burn or skin itchiness, for that cool, soothing feeling.





Other links:

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