Grand was she
And native of today
She was related to all the open vistas
And how well she understood the tone of water and earth
Her voice
Sounded like the scattered melancholy of reality and her eyelids
Pointed out to us
The direction of the pulse of elements
And her hands
Leafed through
The clear air of benevolence
And caused kindness
To migrate towards us
She resembled her own solitary self
And she interpreted for her mirror
The most affectionate curve of her time
And like rain she was full of freshness of repetition
And like the style of trees
She spread out into healthiness of light
She always called to the wind’s infancy
And she always tied the conversation
To the hasp in water
One night
She performed for us
Love’ green prostration so candidly
That we rubbed the sympathy of earth’s surface
And became refreshed like the accent of a pail of water
And often we saw
With how a large basket
She would set forth to pick grapes of tidings
But alas
She wouldn’t sit in front of the ablution of pigeons
And she went to the bring of naught
And lay down beyond the patience of lights
And she didn’t think at all
How lonely we were
To eat apples
Amid disturbed enunciation of doors
بزرگ بود
و از اهالي امروز بود
و با تمام افق هاي باز نسبت داشت
و لحن آب و زمين را چه خوب مي فهميد
به شكل حزن پريشان واقعيت بود
و پلك هاش
مسير نبض عناصر را
به ما نشان داد
و دست هاش
هواي صاف سخاوت را
ورق زد
و مهرباني را
به سمت ما كوچاند
به شكل خلوت خود بود
و عاشقانه ترين انحناي وقت خودش را
براي آينه تفسير كرد.
و او به شيوه باران پر از طراوت تكرار بود
و او به سبك درخت
ميان عافيت نور منتشر مي شد
هميشه كودكي باد را صدا مي كرد
هميشه رشته صحبت را
به چفت آب گره مي زد
براي ما، يك شب
سجود سبز محبت را
چنان صريح ادا كرد
كه ما به عاطفه سطح خاك دست كشيديم
و مثل لهجه يك سطل آب تازه شديم
و ابرها ديديم
كه با چقدر سبد
براي چيدن يك خوشه بشارت رفت.
ولي نشد
كه روبروي وضوح كبوتران بنشيند
و رفت تا لب هيچ
و پشت حوصله نورها دراز كشيد
و هيچ فكر نكرد
كه ما ميان پريشاني تلفظ درها
براي خوردن يك سيب
چقدر تنها مانديم
By Sohrab sepehri
Other links:
To the Companion’s Orchard
2 Poems of Sohrab Sepehri
The Water’s Footsteps
In this darkness
The Fishes’ Message