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  • 539
  • Date :
  • 2/23/2011

As Far Beyond As Here

as far beyond as here

Perhaps your mind, when still, has reached a brink

Beyond which bottom, top, and sides release

Their hold, immersing all you are and think

In boundlessly profound, peculiar peace.

Set free, aware, and only slightly caught

Within the web you've spun of tickling flesh,

You feel you understand why you were brought

To live within earth's tantalizing mesh.

What sage or mystic ever wrote a line

Containing more than hints of what you feel

And almost know to be the life divine

Which tinglings from the vast unknown reveal?

Experienced have you this thunderbolt?

And savored have you since then every volt?

Other Links:

What poets say about love: part 5

What poets say about love: part 6

What poets say about love: part 7

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