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Practices by countries: Iran, Turkey, South Asia

fitr prayer and rituals


In the predominantly Shia culture of Iran, Eid is a highly personal event, and celebrations are often more muted. Called Eyde Fetr by most Iranians, charity is important on that day. Visiting the elderly and gathering with families and friends is also very common. Typically, each Muslim family gives food to those in need. Payment of fitra or fetriye is obligatory for each Muslim. Often meat or ghorbani (literally translated as sacrifice, for it is usually a young lamb or calf that is sacrificed for the occasion), which is an expensive food item in Iran, will be given by those in wealthier families to those who have less. The offering of meat is generally a part of the Eid-ul-Azha celebrations and sacrifices (Qurban) are generally not given during the Eid-ul-fitr celebrations.

fitr prayer and rituals

Eid prayers

Public Eid prayers are held in every masjid and in public places. The biggest prayer is held in Mosalla (a spacious place for prayer) where the Supreme Leader leads the prayer.



In Turkey, where country-wide celebrations, are referred to as Bayram. It is customary for people to greet one another with "Bayram?n?z Kutlu Olsun" or "Bayram?n?z Mübarek Olsun" ("May Your Bayram Be Holy"). "Mutlu Bayramlar" ("Happy Bayram") is an alternative phrase for celebrating Bayram.

Referred to as both ?eker Bayram? ("Bayram of Sweets") or Ramazan Bayram? ("Ramadan Bayram"), Eid in Turkey is a public holiday, where schools and government offices are generally closed for the entire period of the celebrations.

It is a time for people to attend prayer services, put on their best clothes (referred to as Bayraml?k, often purchased just for the occasion) and to visit all their loved ones (such as friends, relatives and neighbours) and pay their respects to the deceased with organized visits to cemeteries, where large, temporary bazaars of flowers, water (for watering the plants adorning a grave), and prayer books are set up for the three-day occasion. The first day of the Bayram is generally regarded as the most important, with all members of the family waking up early, and the men going to their neighbourhood mosque for the special Bayram prayer.

It is regarded as especially important to honour elderly citizens by kissing their right hand and placing it on one's forehead while wishing them Bayram greetings. It is also customary for young children to go around their neighbourhood, door to door, and wish everyone a happy Bayram, for which they are awarded candy, chocolates, traditional sweets such as Baklava and Turkish Delight, or a small amount of money at every door, in an almost Halloween-like fashion.

fitr prayer and rituals

Municipalities all around the country organize fund-raising events for the poor, in addition to public shows such as concerts or more traditional forms of entertainment such as the Karag?z and Hacivat shadow-theatre and even performances by the Mehter - the Janissary Band that was founded during the days of the Ottoman Empire.

Helping the less fortunate, ending past animosities and making up, organizing breakfasts and dinners for loved ones and putting together neighbourhood celebrations are all part of the occasion, where homes and streets are decorated and lit up for the celebrations, and television and radio channels continuously broadcast a variety of special Bayram programs, which include movie specials, musical programming and celebratory addresses from celebrities and politicians alike.


South Asia

In Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Nepal, the night before Eid is called Chaand Raat, which means, night of the moon. People often visit bazaars and shopping malls, with their families and children, for last minute Eid shopping. Women, especially young girls, often paint each others' hands with traditional Mehndi and wear colourful bangles.

fitr prayer and rituals

During Eid, the traditional greeting is Eid Mubarak, and frequently also includes a formal embrace. Gifts are frequently given—new clothes are traditional — and it is also common for children to be given small sums of money (Eidi) by their elders. It is common for children to salam parents and adult relatives, they usually get money from the adult relative, if the family is middle class or wealthy.

After the Eid prayers, it is common for families to visit graveyards and pray for the salvation of departed family members.

fitr prayer and rituals

Special celebratory dishes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, and Fiji include sivayyan, a dish of fine, toasted sweet vermicelli noodles with milk and dried fruit.In Bangladesh, the dish is called shemai( bengali: ????? ). In Bangladesh, Chot-poti is also a very popular item during Eid day.

Some people also avail themselves of this opportunity to distribute zakat, the Islamic obligatory alms tax on one's wealth, to the needy.

fitr prayer and rituals

In India the some popular places where Muslims congregate to celebrate Eid at this time are the Jama Masjid in New Delhi, in Kolkata there is a prayer held on the Red Road. People can be spotted in thousands, there is a lot of excitement in the celebration of this festival. Eid is a public holiday and is celebrated all over India. Even non-Muslims visit their Muslim friends on this occasion, to convey their good wishes.

Unlike the rest of the Muslim world, South Asians celebrate Eid-ul-fitr for three days.

fitr prayer and rituals

Source: wikipedia.org

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