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Martyr Ayatollah Morteza Motahhari:

What Should be Learned from Spring (Part 1)


Inclination lor Variety and Renewal

Man gets bored with monotony Nature. He likes variety. Desiring new things is a part of man's na¬ture. But what is the secret? Why does man yearn for something with full enthusiasm but when he obtains it, his enthusiasm subsides and, at times, he gets tired of it and may even begin to hate it?

Some believe that the secret lies in the qualities and characteristics incorporated into man's nature. They argue that man always craves for things which he does not pos¬ses, but as soon as he owns those things, all his desires and cravings vanish.

Others have a more mature at¬titude. They remark that in man's nature, there exists a more ex¬alted and perfect ideal, a beloved one which is infinite perfection. Those holding the second view on man believe that he looks for a certain thing in which he thinks he has seen a trace of his perfect ideal. However, they add, when

he obtains it, he realizes that he has been mistaken, taking it for that ultimate perfection. Thus, he starts looking for something else which could satisfy his inner de¬sire for perfection.

The quest will continue end¬lessly unless he meets his Real Beloved One, his Perfect Ideal. Overwhelmed with joy and bliss, he will be integrated into the Infi¬nite Perfection and will calm down forever with no more boredom or melancholy.

"Those who believe and whose hearts are set at rest by the re¬membrance of Allah: now surely by Allah's remembrance are the hearts set at rest. " (Holy Quran 13:28)

Regarding the heaven, the Holy Qur'an states,

"Surely those who believe and do good deeds, their place of en¬tertainment shall be the gardens of paradise. Abiding therein; they shall not desire removal from them. " (Holy Quran 18:107, 108)

The above verses underline a

difference between the worldly and heavenly bounties and bless¬ings. It follows that, in this world, man desires change and diversity but, in the hereafter, he will have no such desire.

At any rate, it is clear that man, in this world, likes variety and re¬newal because they create joy and cheerfulness, particularly if the variety and renewal are in the life and nature, which surely remove man's weariness and boredom.

The same fact has been heeded by religion. One day in week, Fri¬day, and one month in year, the holy month of Ramadhan, have been particularly allocated for worshipping in a special way the Almighty, which are a time for spiritual revival and clearing the mind of material and worldly wor¬ries and problems.

There is a Prophetic tradition saying, "Everything has a spring, a time for renewal and revival. The time of revival of the Holy Qur'an in the hearts of the believers is the holy month of Ramadhan."

Imam Ali (AS), the First Imam of the Infallible Household of the Holy Prophet (SAWA), said, "Learn the Holy Qur'an, which is the spring of the hearts."

The natural spring is created by the Sun, when the distance be¬tween the Earth and the Sun grad¬ually decreases and the warmth of the Sun's rays revive the dead Nature and awaken the sleep¬ing Earth. The spiritual spring is brought about by the brilliant Sun of the Holy Qur'an shining on the gloomy hearts and melancholic souls. And man should make the most of both natural and spiritual springs.

Man's Share of Spring

The Holy Qur'an frequently points out the revival of the Earth in spring in order to teach the peo¬ple how to be enlightened by such revival and how to make the most of this season.

All the creatures on the Earth, from plants and animals to the hu¬man beings, have a share of the revivifying season of spring. The verdures and flowers attain full growth and beauty. The animals, horses, cows and sheep, graze on the prairie and fatten.

Man, with his wisdom and un¬derstanding, has also a share in this prevailing bounty and bless¬ing. But, what is his share?

To some people, the reviving spring is inspiring. It is a valuable lesson to them, full of points, facts and secrets. However, unfortunate¬ly, some other people utilize this season as animals do. That is, their share of spring, the glorious mani¬festation of creation is only stuff¬ing themselves with food, yelling, brawling and lowering themselves to the ranks of animals. They are also inspired. However, they do not draw their inspiration from the spring but from wicked qualities like corruption, immorality and exceeding the human limits.

Spring is the season of revival, freshness and nourishing of the Earth. It is the time when the Earth, under renewed circumstances, gets prepared to receive the great¬est divine blessings, namely life and vitality.

The revival of the earth is re¬peatedly highlighted in the Holy Quran, some 15 times or even more, so that it will serve as a les¬son to man. Indeed the Almighty God, by referring in the Holy Qur'an to spring and revival of nature after deathly winter hiber¬nation, intends to make the human beings ponder on the creation. The Holy Qur'an indicates that think¬ing is a key to knowledge and one of the means of communicating with the Creator, the Center and Spirit of the universe.

One of the basic teachings of the Holy Qur'an is inviting man to ponder over the creation to dis¬cover its secrets, to think about himself to improve his way of life, and to consider the history and the former nations in order to gain an insight into the divine laws and ways set for the life of mankind. To be continued ...

Source: mahjubah.com

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