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  • Date :
  • 5/22/2010

Hazrat Fatimah’s (s.a) Dua’a - for Important Issues

hazrat fatimah

For the sake of Yaseen, and the wise Qur’an

For the sake of Taha and the mighty Qur’an

O One who has power over the needs of those who ask

O One who knows what is in the hearts

O One who comforts the distressed

O One who relieves the grief-stricken

O One who has mercy on the old

O One who provides for the young child

O One who does not need any explanation

Bless Muhammad and his family

And do to me. .  .

hazrat fatimahs  duaa

Source: duas.org

Other links:

Hazrat Zahras Dua"a for glorifying God on the third day of the month

Hazrat Zahra Dua’a to seek noble moral qualities and good deeds

Hazrat Zahra Dua’a for all Affairs of Life & Hereafter

Hazrat Fatimah"s sermon - after Fadak was snatched

Merits of Hazrat Fatimah"s Tasbih (Part 1)

Merits of Hazrat Fatimah"s Tasbih (Part 2)

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