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  • Date :
  • 5/2/2010

Nasrollah: Hezbollah is entitled to use any type of weapons


Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah Seyed Hassan Nasrollah said his movement is entitled to use any type of weapons to confront the US and Israeli policy of terror.

Speaking in a gathering here in south of Beirut on Saturday evening, Nasrollah said Hezbollah 'does not have to confirm or deny news about the issue of Scud missiles'.

Referring to the Zionist propaganda apparatus, He said, "You claim that Syria has delivered Scud missiles to Hezbollah. What is your proof? While Syria has denied it."

Nasrollah underlined that using any type of weapons 'is lawful, moral and Hezbollah's right, because we use these weapons to defend our people who are under the Israeli regime threat'.

He added, "Will 10 or 20 of such missiles destroy Israel? Israelis have always pretended that they are oppressed and they are entitled to do whatever they want in Gaza."

The Hezbollah secretary general added that Israel is trying to find out what kind of weapons Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas have, because Israel feels that it has begub to decline, so it wants to pretend that Israel is under invasion and has the right to keep occupied territories and prevent Palestinian refugees from returning home.

Addressing Israeli officials, Nasrollah said, "The hue and cry that you have made about Scud missiles has created unfortunate results for you and has caused more panic among Israelis since they now know that in the case of another war, they will face many problems."

Nasrollah went on to say Israelis know that anti-missile systems will break the balance and if the resistance is equipped to such systems, the Israeli war planes cannot bombard Lebanon easily anymore.

 He urged Lebanese to take part in the municipality election with tranquility and show their solidarity with national unity and resistance, 'because such a solidarity forces the enemy to avoid the idea of invading Lebanon'.

Referring to coalition between Hezbollah and Amal Movements in the municipality elections in Lebanon, Nasrollah called for high turnout of Lebanese in the election adding that such a cooperation will help progress and development of cities and rural areas in the country.

Source: irna.ir

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