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انگليسي (بازدید: 2604)
شنبه 15/4/1387 - 18:33 -0 تشکر 46682
Terrorism ( بحث به زبان انگلیسی )

We want to speak of terrorism.


First of all the meaning of terrorism:


The use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act.


Who attacks to the other countries to achieve something or for political aims?


Who force the others?


Let me know who is terrorist?


It"s so funny that those who said who is terrorist describe this word in their dictionaries things that they are doing! And don’t accept! I"m sorry for the world.


Please give me your ideas in English about terrorism.


Thank you

يکشنبه 16/4/1387 - 23:25 - 0 تشکر 46900

hi dear friend

how are you ?

is everything OK?

thanks a lot because of this topic

I think it can be a good topic to speak about

As I saw the topic I refered to the dictionary, I guess it was for the first time that I was looking up terrorism and suddenly I realized that how ridiculous is the opinoin of America"s government 

In my dictionary terrorism means this: the use of violence such as bombing, shooting, or kidnapping to obtain political demands such as making a government do something

Based on this definition it is clear that who is terrorist at the moment

who is in Afghanistan now

who is in Iraq now 

who uses voilence now

these are apparent questions that even a child know

That"s all


Who is the next gallant to continue...

دوشنبه 17/4/1387 - 9:1 - 0 تشکر 46939

Hi dear friends

thank you dear mohsen for your new topic,I think we needed to it, like another forums


and about terrorism

I"m not  remotely interested in politic !!! but I like to know about important  things,like terrorism

I remember before,I asked what is terrorism ?

and I heared just ..... !!! assassination

     this answer raised  doubts about iran  issues , because according to this word(assassination),majority of gaverments ,even iran ! were terrorist!!!.......but now I searched terrorism in dictionary(the use of voilence to achieve political aims)and etc


 it"s was really strange!!!!.....it"s defintion is perfect , it is more interesting that  description is usable for themselves!!!not iran.....as iran participated  in the war ,it wasn"t for this reason .it"s so clear

it"s so clear who is terrorist



خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



"مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

"جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

چهارشنبه 19/4/1387 - 3:3 - 0 تشکر 47146

Hello dear Mohsen and others.

Thank you for such a great topic.

According to what you have looked up and revealed here (terrorism is to commit a kind of violence to gain any political achievement, especially by forcing governments to leave an opportunity for the criminal:terrorist); I know someone who perfectly fits the definition: F* Abdolmalek Rigi, the terrorist.

You might happen to watch see some TV shows which air the interviews with this creature - which is really tough to be called human being - nowadays and most (or all) of them have been aired on American TV channels, specifically I can indicate to this shameless VOA (Voice Of America) which stupidly tried its best to sanctify the terrorist!

So I just wanted to share my dilemma with you, having said that this terrorist has murdered so many innocent kids and women in a wholly barbaric way and kidnapped lots of brave soldiers recently, how come the US can call others “Terrorist” and “Supporter of Terrorism” when it has that more than a friendly manner to the foe of millions of people across the world?

P.S Reza; I really enjoyed the structure of your answer; you are building up your English skills.

چهارشنبه 19/4/1387 - 12:37 - 0 تشکر 47196

Thank u my friends

I think we must reveal this definition to the whole world and make them aware about their governments,

This is so clear to all that Iran isn’t terrorist and didn’t attack to the other countries to achieve some political aims but we must research to get more information and make a English article for the world.

It can be a group working of Tebyan,

We must show to the others our right or main or real shape

I think the people of America are so …. I don’t know how can I describe them but they don’t think and they are so shallow, just this

Thank u

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