4 July 2024 – General Election

MCB’s call click here.

‘The Muslim Vote’ call click here

PPC announcements, stats click here

Britons rally again in support of Palestine

At the huge march in London on 27th April 2024, there was solidarity with the Campus protests in the US and other countries. Among the speakers at Hyde Park was Ismail Patel of Friends of Al-Aqsa and a protest co-organiser:” We are all Palestinians because we refuse to go away . . .we are all Palestinians because we are born into a revolution to fight oppression, racism, colonialism . . . in our thousands and our millions, we are all Palestinians. ” There was a massive chorus of response from the hundreds of thousands assembled on an overcast London afternoon. click here.

Afghanistan Dossier click here

More on Stakeknife

Dirty Tricks during the Troubles, click here.

Paris Olympics & religion

French female athletes will not be allowed to don the hijab – however arrangements are being made for a multifaith prayer room for athletes’ use. click here.

Book Review

A fascinating  and eclectic collection of biographical essays on eight strong-willed women with a connection to Muslim life in Britain. click here.

Books – notices & reviews

A welcome addition to the scholarship on the history of Muslims in Britain. click here.

Dr Adrien Chauvet, a physical chemist who has also studied the Islamic sciences, writes in the introduction to his recently published book dealing with the science vs religion debate, “My goal is not to prove scientifically that God exist – at least not directly – but to demonstrate that scientific logic is not foreign to religious logic. Rather, I shed some light on their complementarity and justify, using scientific methods and arguments, a theistic vision of the world.click here


Prominent Birmingham Mosque’s new CEO

The thriving, pace-setting Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre has announced via its monthly newsletter, “We are thrilled to introduce Dr. Abdul-Haqq Baker as the new Chief Executive Officer of GLMCC. Dr. Abdul-Haqq brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our organisation, with a distinguished career spanning the legal, charity, and educational sectors.” click here.

Remembering Roger Boase, Historian of Andalusia, bridge builder

click here.

Policy report from MCB

This briefing from the Research & Documentation Committee of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is the second in a series of reports on the demographic and socioeconomic profile of Muslims in England and Wales, drawing on Census data from 2021, 2011 and 2001. It is a continuing story of life in deprived with opportunities limited to lower-tier albeit essential jobs. Given the strides made by the community in higher education and the commitment to
a British identity, the need of the hour is a fair deal to overcome entrenched inequalities. click here.

400 British imams & scholars challenge Gove’s ‘extremist’ insinuation

The ‘ulema are signatories to a letter rejecting a new UK government definition of extremism that targetsseveral British Muslim organisations, including CAGE, MEND and the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB). click here.

Maulana Adam, religious authority [1937 – 2024]

Tens of thousands assemble at Spinney Park, Leicester for his janaza prayer. click here

Student Loans

BBSI’s timely and comprehensive analysis of the loan contract with recommendations. Click here.


UK General Election tit bits latest Independent & other PPC announcements click here

Metrics of domestic security. click here.

More on the agent who masterminded regime change in 1953 Iran. click here.

Who is banning books? click here

Afghanistan – the great misadventure. Click here.

Book Review

A new book by Peter Clark, author of ‘Marmaduke Pickthall, British Muslim’. Click here.


. Sir Tim Brighouse – a tribute from Muslim civil society

“For those who knew him professionally, or encountered him in seminars, their memory will be of a towering personality, frank, genuinely committed to making Britain an inclusive and pluralistic  society that is  fair in its dealings with its Muslim population.” click here.

Biographical Directory

Over 2000 of historical and contemporary personalities that have impacted the Muslim world… click here.


Islamic Quarterly

How holy is Palestine to the Muslims? – H. S, Karmi click here,

Impact International

The Kalim Siddiqui – Professor Khurshid Ahmad exchange: ‘Whose failure in Pakistan?’ click here


Muslim Minorities: Towards a Practical Education Strategy – Khurram Murad click here.

The Muslim

Symbol and rite in Islam – Omar Austin, click here

Salaam Site Map

Criminalisation of international solidarity

In the journal Race & Class, Liz Fekete ” focuses on the way a moral panic around shows of solidarity with Palestine have been formented: suppression of the works of artists, academics and public figures, including prominent Jewish anti-Zionists, who question official narratives; the equation of solidarity with terrorism and antisemitism and hence a reframing of what constitutes ‘hate crimes’, and the restrictions on the right to protest.” click here.

Outside Whitehall

27 May 2024 – a rally calls out

We are the people – we will not be silenced. click here

London’s huge march

18 May 2024 – the streets of central London resounded once again with the calls of hundreds of thousands for the stop of arms supply to Israel, for it to be held accountable on charges of genocide in Gaza and “ceasefire now!”.

click here

Resisting the Israelisation of Western Universities

Nick Riemer’s analysis: “Political insight, determination, and moral lucidity are, very clearly, on the students’ side, not on that of the university leaders [. . .]” click here.

Goldsmiths University of London responds to Gaza slaughter indignation

Scholarship details announced. click here.

MCB’s Zara Mohammed on the Gove ‘Extremism’ definition

“It alienates and deems the very groups and individuals who have opposed extremism as extremists themselves.” click here.

Launch of report ‘Media Bias Gaza 2023 – 24. ” 76% of online articles frame the conflict as an “Israel-Hamas war,” while only 24% mention “Palestine/Palestinian,” indicating a lack of context.” click here.

For those finding the path to Islam

“. . . . We pray that, with Allah as your guide, you will enjoy this wonderful spiritual journey, all the while, showered by His blessings.” From the website launch of a new Muslim support body. click here.
