From over Eyelids of Night
It was an overflowing night
It was an overflowing night
The river flowed from beneath spruce trees to far beyond
The valley was shrouded by moonlight and the mountain was so bright that God was visible
In the heights
We two were invisible, the surfaces were washed and looks were thinner than all other nights
Your hands delivered me the green stalk of a message
And the earthenware of familiarity was slowly cracking with your breathing
And our heartbeats poured over the rock
From an old wine, the summer sands flowing in veins
And the enamel of moonlight on your behavior
You were wonderful, free and worthy of earth
The green opportunity of life joined the cool mountain air
Shadows returned
And still on the way of the breeze
Pennyroyals were shaking
And attractions mingled together
And attractions mingled together
از روي پلك شب
شب سرشاري بود
شب سرشاري بود
رود از پاي صنوبرها، تا فراترها رفت
دره مهتاب اندود، و چنان روشن كوه، كه خدا پيدا بود.
در بلنديها، ما
دورها گم، سطحها شسته، و نگاه از همه شب نازكتر
دستهايت، ساقه سبز پيامي را ميداد به من
و سفالينه انس، با نفسهايت آهسته ترك ميخورد
و تپشهامان ميريخت به سنگ
از شرابي ديرين، شن تابستان در رگها
و لعاب مهتاب، روي رفتارت
تو شگرف، تو رها، و برازنده خاك
فرصت سبز حيات، به هواي خنك كوهستان ميپيوست
سايهها برميگشت.
و هنوز، در سر راه نسيم
پونههايي كه تكان ميخورد
جذبههايي كه به هم ميخورد
جذبههايي كه به هم ميخورد
By Sohrab sepehri