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  • 1970
  • Date :
  • 7/26/2009

Hazrat Abbas: The Flag-bearer of Faith and Loyalty (Part 3)

hazrat abbass shrine

Faithful and Trustworthy Advisor

He was a faithful and trustworthy advisor. So devoted was Abbas that he never left the side of his beloved brother Imam Hussein (PBUH).

 The height of the greatness of the personality of Hazrat Abbas reached its peak in Karbala and the heroic martyrdom. In chaotic conditions when the people were entangled with worldly desires and succumbed to the offer of posts, he became the Imam's flag bearer and led his troops.

Guarding the Imam, protecting the tents of the womenfolk of the Prophet's household, caring for the children and making a sacrifice to bring water to the thirsty camp of Imam Hussein (PBUH) were among the most beautiful and epical manifestations of his life in Karbala.

In reality in Karbala Hazrat Abbas' effort to satisfy God and carry out his duty, astonished the world.

 In Karbala Yazid's troops cut the water supply to the Imam's camp. When the young children could no longer tolerate thirst, Hazrat Abbas volunteered to bring them water. But this was almost impossible.

With his courage, he drove away hordes of enemies and reached the banks of the River Euphrates. Although he was thirsty himself, he never drank a drop of water. After filling the goatskin water-carrier, while he was making his way towards the Imam's camp , the cowardly enemy attacked him from all sides. One of his hands was severed when he was struck from behind.

He fought single-handedly with his left arm, which was also severed by the Omayyud marauders. Nevertheless, he spurred his horse towards the Imam's camp hoping to take water to the thirsty children. Alas, he was not destined to do so. The enemies burst upon him like a pack of jackals and shot arrows in his eye and at his chest piercing the goatskin water-carrier and making the water flow on the ground.

Hazrat Abbas thus drank the cup of eternal martyrdom in this valiant name and the memory of this great sacrifice will remain eternal in history. To this day even many non-Muslims bow at the threshold of Hazrat Abbas in Karbala and beseech God Almighty through him.


Imam Zain ol-Abedin says about his uncle Hazrat Abbas, My uncle Abbas will have such a high status before God on the day of resurrection that all the martyrs will envy him.

Other links:

The Banner Holder of Neynava, Hazrate Abolfazl al-Abbas

A night to fly over toward the beloved

The great Prophet (SAW) and His Six True Friends

The Role of Women in Karbala

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