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  • 2/8/2010

Imam Khomeini in the Eyes of World Figures

imam khomeini

Standing Besides the Oppressed against Oppressors

‘Imam Khomeini- the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran has contributed greatly to the promotion of the cause of the victory of the oppressed over the oppressors in our era.

‘Under his leadership, a whole nation became brave and powerful. Imam Khomeini was the architect and the distinguished founder of the Islamic Revolution which powerfully and triumphantly realized the supreme goal of the victory of the oppressed over the oppressors. This Revolution mobilized the Iranian people and their powers in the way of the establishment of a new justice-seeking political, economic and cultural system. This Revolution also strongly contributed to the cause of the liberation of Africa from the clutches of colonialism and also to the world struggle against imperialism.’

Ali Hassan Muvini, Tanzanian President

A Great Figure Free From Luxuries

‘One thing which particularly attracted the attention of the foreign guests was the simplicity of Imam Khomeini's residence which (simplicity) is not found in the life history of the leaders of other countries.

 Imam Khomeini was far from arrogance and yet there was such greatness about him that when he made his appearance at the Husseiniya Hall all present fell breathless.

‘It was a much longed for moment.  In that gathering all were treated equally and the factory worker who desired to see Imam received the same respectful treatment as a minister. Foreign guests too were treated with the same respect and hospitality. In Imam Khomeini no sign of ostentation could be found.’

Hamidah Munji, Author

The Best Example of Virtue, Discipline and Ethics

‘‘Imam Khomeini is the best example to be followed by us in connection with leadership, knowledge, ethics and discipline. He lived a simple aesthetic life and possessed sublime moral virtues, including perseverance and consistency both in worship, including mid-night prayers and in his political activities. He was tireless, matchlessly brave and ready to hear criticism. He called upon the Muslims to observe the principle of brotherhood in Islam and avoid disputes and conflicts among themselves. He greatly emphasized the necessity of Islamic Unity and was totally uncompromising in the face of the falsehood. These are the very impressive dimensions of Imam Khomeini's character which should be followed as a supreme model.’

Ustad Uthmavi. Director of Al-Hujjah Hussein iyyah in Indonesia

imam khomeini

Model of Islamic Unity

Imam   Khomeini, through   his   insight   and knowledge, created unity among Muslims, in particular among the Shi'a and the Sunni. This is the greatest achievement of Imam Khomeini. He is the mark of unity among Muslims. He is the model of Islamic Unity.

I wish we would consider Imam Khomeini our teacher in all matters. That great man not only spoke about Muslims and their unity, but also all the oppressed peoples and their unity. The fragrance of unity was smelled in all his speeches and commands….

Maulana Mufti Zubair Tabasum, Prayer Leader

The Caller to Return to Islam

‘Imam Khomeini overrode all limitations wrongly imposed upon religious institutions, and announced his call to bring back Islam to life while he held the Holy Qur'an in his hands. He gave new spirit to our lives.

Thus, the most significant task performed by Imam Khomeini is the realization of belief in Religion as a political system capable of establishing a government and capably running the society.’

Mohammed Sa'id Shahabi

Former Editor-in -Chief of' al-A 'lam Arabic Magazine, London

A Great Man, a Charismatic Character

‘Imam Khomeini was a great man with a charismatic character. He has really revived Islam in the world. I believe he is the first person in our era that lived in a small humble house while he had such a great position.

As we see now, he is loved and respected not only in Iran, but in the whole world. His admirers are also very much interested in his works and thoughts and endeavor to be benefitted by his compilations and sayings.

‘As one of the admirers of Imam Khomeini I believe that he successfully presented new thoughts in the world which should be properly explained to the world people.’

Indonesian Cultural Counselor in Iran

imam khomeini

Source: mahjubah magazine

Other links:

Imam Khomeini wise Saying: Self-cultivation & The Challenge of Ego

Imam Khomeini wise Saying: Preservation of Islam

Imam Khomeini wise Saying: Propagation of Islam

Imam Khomeini Wise Saying: The Religion of Islam

Imam Khomeini wise Saying: Islam & Our Deeds

Imam Khomeini Saying: Theology & Servitude

Imam Khomeini wise Saying: Divine Prophets

Imam Khomeini Saying: The Quran

In Remembrance of Imam Khomeini

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